
I am trying to create macro for my templates like this:

{%- macro bField(form, name, attributes) %}
    <p class="form-group" ng-class="{has-error: !{{ }}.{{ name }}.$valid}">
        {{ form.label(name) }}
        {#{% set attributes['class'] = 'form-control' %}#}
        {{ form.render(name, attributes) }}
        {% include 'forms/validation-messages.volt' %}
{%- endmacro %}

The issue is it is in macros.volt file in views root and I dont have any idea how or where to include it so it is available everywhere. I tried in root layout (index.volt) with include and partial functions but still doesnt work. Not even in template file I am trying to use it in. What am I doing wrong, how to fix this?

Another thing is how do I set value on certain key in array. I obviously tried {% set attributes['class'] = 'form-control' %}, but it doesnt work.

È stato utile?


Awesome Solution, found on the Phalcon Forums. Customized just a little to my situation.

Suggestion was to extend the Volt Engine Class and then load each macro file during \Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt::getCompiler.

// extended class to load the macros before parse time
class VoltC extends \Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt
    public function getCompiler()
      if (empty($this->_compiler))

        // add macros that need initialized before parse time

      return parent::getCompiler();
$di->set("voltEngine", function( $view, $di ){
    $volt = new VoltC($view, $di);

        "compiledPath" => "../app/tmp/cache/",
        "compiledExtension" => ".cmp",
        'compileAlways' => true

    return $volt;
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