
I have installed Raspbian on my Raspberry and added in:

  1. /etc/rc.local:

     chown /dev/ttyUSB0 #to allow current user to use 3G modem
  2. /etc/sudoers:

     raspbian ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL
  3. And for autologin:

     1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty --autologin raspbian --noclear 38400 tty1

Before I can use GPIO from Python to write to GPIO pins.

Now when I try to run with sudo my Python script I receive an exception where is write that I can't access /dev/mem

I tried to add "raspbian" user to group "kmem" but don't works.

I tried to remove autologin and sudo without password, but also don't works.

I tried with WiringPi from C, and with WiringPi works.

Please help me to find a solution to use GPIO from python.

È stato utile?


I found the problem.

I forgot about:

  GPIO.setup(<PIN>, <MODE>)

And without this Python throws and exception where write to try to run code with root.

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