
I'm trying to clone a git-repository from my stash-server via

 git clone https://admin@stash-url/path/to/repository.git

Unfortunately this gives me the following error

Cloning into 'repository'...
error: RPC failed; result=35, HTTP code = 0
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

When I try to clone via http it works just fine. I've tried finding some information about this, but I wasn't able to find anything useful. Does anybody have an idea, what I might be missing here?

Update: Cloning the repository on my windows machine with SourceTree works fine. That's bizarre, isn't it?

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Stash developer here. That doesn't look good. We usually see problems like this due to proxy configuration. What are you using to provide the https - just Tomcat, or something like Apache?

You can try enabling debugging in Git/Curl to get more information:

export GIT_TRACE=1
git clone --debug https://admin@stash-url/path/to/repository.git

In any case I would contacting Atlassian support, attaching the output from that command, so we can help you resolve the problem.

Cheers, Charles

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