
I have multiple files in a directory. I want to insert the same line at the head of the files - something like:

#author: Alastor

How do I accomplish this? I am thinking vim might have something, but I am open to other options. Also can I do this recursively in nested folders?

Also, is there any way to get the name of the file and put it in there, ie:

#author: Alastor
È stato utile?


In Vim:

:args **/*.py
:argdo 0put="#!/usr/bin/python"|put="#author: Prashant"


This one addresses your new requirement:

:args **/*.py
:argdo execute "let @q = '#!/usr/bin/python\n#author: Alastor\n#filename: " . expand('%') . "'|0put=@q"

This one uses a different, more intuitive, approach: macros!

:args **/*.py
O#!/usr/bin/python<CR>#author: Alastor<CR>#filename: <C-r>%
:argdo @q

No matter what method you use, you'll need to write the files to disk afterward:


Altri suggerimenti

Try using find along with sed

Static Header

find -type f -name '*.py' -exec sed -i '1i#!\/usr\/bin\/python\n#author: Prashant\n' {} \;

Dynamic header with filename

find -type f -name '*.py' -exec sh -c 'sed -i "1i#\!\/usr\/bin\/python\n#author: Prashant\n#filename: `basename $0`\n" $0' {} \;

Short Description

find command will find all *.py files recursively in present directory.

-exec option will pass each output of find command as an argument to following command. (here sed)

sed with -i option is used to insert desired content in found files at line #1 using 1i.

sh -c with argument $0 is used to print filename using basename

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