
I did an app to export all my policies in a excel file but is not exporting all my information

Here is the query in mysql

select * from policies where deleted = 0 AND (state = 0 OR state= 1) ORDER BY state ASC 
i got 11,408 total when i executed it on mysql

Here is my controller

  @search = Policy.find_by_sql("select * from policies where deleted = 0 AND (state = 0 OR state= 1) ORDER BY state ASC ")
  @policies = @search.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10)
  @results = @search

  respond_to do |format|
     format.xls { send_data render_to_string(:partial=>"report"), :filename => "Report.xls" }

Here is my view

 <%= link_to "Export Excel",{:controller=>"policy",:action=>"report", :format=>"xls",:page => params[:page] }  %>

Here is my partial view

<% @results.each do |policy| %>
     <%= policy.num_policy %> 
<% end %>

Actually is only exporting 5078 rows and i should have 11,408

Someone can help me with this?

I will really appreciate help

Here is my last log

 Rendered policy_management/policy/_report_by_ejecutive (42929.2ms)
 Sending data Report_2013-11-11.xls
 Completed in 43533ms (View: 0, DB: 0) | 200 OK []
È stato utile?


You should use batch query ActiveRecord Batch query

@search = Policy.find_by_sql("select * from policies where deleted = 0 AND (state = 0 OR state= 1) ORDER BY state ASC ")

@search = Policy.where("deleted = 0 AND (state = 0 OR state = 1)").order("state ASC")

In your partial

<% @results.find_each(:batch_size => 1000) do |policy| %>
 <%= policy.num_policy %> 
<% end %>

Altri suggerimenti

It could be because you're paginating the results (which applies a scope on the larger result set). Can you try removing the pagination?

Try to narrow down where the issue lies.

For example, you haven't mentioned if the limitation only happens when generating the Excel format. How many rows do you get when requesting the page in HTML format?

You can also check how many objects are created from the query by going to the console and doing this:

@search = Policy.find_by_sql("select * from policies where deleted = 0 AND (state = 0 OR state= 1) ORDER BY state ASC ")
puts @search.count

and check the log what number it outputs.

Next check the log . It will show you what database query is actually executed. If there is a pagination gem or some configuration would be influencing the outcome, then you'd see a different sql query that is actually executed.

have you try return csv record first? i think maybe this is relative to the excel exporter, there maybe a limit on how many records in a single excel sheet.

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