
It sounds like "An error occurred while accessing IsolatedStorage". But there's no such exceptions is msdn:

I assume, it can be because i'm calling it inside of Task.Factory.StartNew(). Can it be a reason? It works on wp8 fine.


The problem was that I used GetLastAccessTime(cacheFileName).Millisecond; As it is said by the link by Agat, miliseconds are always 0 at the wp7. Or, actually, they are even not available, because exception is throwing while trying to access them. So just dont use Milliseconds, and that's it.

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If you just asking if it can be? I would rather answer that "yes, it can", and generally, because of the following:

To synchronize access to the local folder between different threads, we recommend using the Mutex class. A mutex grants exclusive access to a shared resource to only one thread. If one thread acquires a mutex, the second thread that wants to acquire that mutex is suspended until the first thread releases the mutex. For example, a mutex could be used to synchronize access to a folder between a Windows Phone app running in the foreground and a background agent.

But from other hands, if the exception occurs constantly, there might be a number of other reasons. Please have a look at this link, which can give you a clue about some specific things of GetLastAccessTime method work on Windows Phone 7.

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