
I have an NSProgressIndicator (spinning) that displays fine when it is not animating, but as soon as it starts animating it disappears. However, when I switch the style to a progress bar, it displays just fine, animations and all. Additionally, it reappears when it stops animating, so it is only invisible while it is spinning.

I am new to Cocoa programming, and I have been searching for several hours through my code and online trying to figure out my issue, but I have been unsuccessful. What would cause this issue?

My code is somewhat based on the code from Apple's sample AVSimplePlayer, found here.

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I encountered this problem today. It turns out that when using spin, the other things that are running in main thread run first. That means, if you have

let progressIndicator // 
// do tasks

The order in reality is

let progressIndicator // 
// do tasks

So you never see the animation. Here is the workaround, stop main runloop a little while, after progressIndicator.startAnimation(self).

let progressIndicator // 
progressIndicator.startAnimation(self) Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 0.001))
// do tasks

Then everything will be fine. I find this answer here. You can also try other answers there too.

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