
Based on @stuart's blog post, I can see how to bind to a literal string as a CommandParameter.

local:MvxBind="Click FindUserCommand, CommandParameter=foo"
public class FindUserViewModel: ViewModelBase
    public FindUserViewModel(IFindUserCommand findUserCommand)
        _findUserCommand = findUserCommand;

    // class truncated for brevity

    private IFindUserCommand _findUserCommand;
    public IFindUserCommand FindUserCommand
        get { return _findUserCommand; }
        set { _findUserCommand = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() = > FindUserCommand); }
public class FindUserCommand: IFindUserCommand
    // class truncated for brevity
    public void Execute(object parameter)
        // RIGHT HERE:
        // value of parameter == foo

How do I bind the entire ViewModel as a CommandParameter of a Button when the Command lives in it's own command object and NOT the ViewModel?

public void Execute(object parameter)
    var vm = (FindUserViewModel)parameter;
    var firstName = vm.FirstName;
    var lastName = vm.LastName;
    // etc...

note: if I have to extend MvvmCross somehow to make this function in a uniform manner similar to WPF, I'm ok with that.. I just don't know where to start.

All the examples I find declare the Command directly in the ViewModel like this:

MvvmCross Examples

private Cirrious.MvvmCross.ViewModels.MvxCommand _insertCommand;
public System.Windows.Input.ICommand InsertCommand
        _insertCommand = _insertCommand ? ? new Cirrious.MvvmCross.ViewModels.MvxCommand(DoInsert);
        return _insertCommand;

private int _countAdded = 0;

private void DoInsert()
    var kitten = _kittenGenesisService.CreateNewKitten(_countAdded.ToString());

And then bind the button to the View like this:

    local:MvxBind="Click InsertCommand" />

But I want to declare the Command object in its own class file so it's more testable, and then inject it into the ViewModel.

Is CommandParameter binding possible in MVVMCross for Android, similar to how WPF does its command parameter binding?

WPF Example:

View button definition:

    Command="{Binding SearchCommand}"

ViewModel command property:

private ICommand _findUserCommand;
public ICommand FindUserCommand
    get { return _findUserCommand; }
    set { _findUserCommand = value; RaisePropertyChanged( () => FindUserCommand ); }

Command object definition:

public class FindUserCommand : ICommand
    private readonly IUserService _userService;

    public FindUserCommand(IUserService userService)
        _userService = userService;

    public bool CanExecute ( object parameter )
        var findUserViewModel = ( FindUserViewModel )parameter;
        return findUserViewModel.NameSearch.Length > 0;

    public void Execute ( object parameter )
        FindUserViewModel.Users = _userService.Find( FindUserViewModel.NameSearch );

    public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;
    public void RaiseCanExecuteChanged ()
        if ( CanExecuteChanged != null )
            CanExecuteChanged( this, new EventArgs() );
È stato utile?


Android widgets (like buttons) don't have Command and CommandParameter members by default - so it's not possible to use them "out of the box".

However, you can easily inherit from Button to produce MyButton and you can then provide Command and CommandParameter members if you want to - e.g. something like:

public class MyButton : Button
    public MyButton(Context c, IAttributeSet a) : base(c,a) 
        Click += (s,e) => {
            if (Command == null) return;
            if (!Command.CanExecute(CommandParameter)) return;

    public ICommand Command { get;set; }
    public object CommandParameter { get;set; }

Using this, you can then use MyButton instead of Button in your axml

     local:MvxBind="Command SearchCommand;CommandParameter ." />

For more on data-binding see

Alternatively, another way of doing this is to use a ValueConverter based approach - similar to the CommandParameter functionality supplied with MvvmCross - see

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