Posso selezionare solo alcune cartelle specifiche per il backup con Time Machine?

apple.stackexchange https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/3159

  •  16-10-2019
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posso fare il backup solo le cartelle specifiche con Time Machine?

Se non c'è un modo "ufficiale" per fare questo, non qualcuno sa un trucco per farlo?

È stato utile?


Si può escludere elementi da un backup di Time Machine nel seguente modo:

  1. Aprire Preferenze di Sistema.
  2. Fare clic Time Machine.
  3. Dopo aver attivato Time Machine e scelto un disco di backup, fare clic su Opzioni.
  4. Fare clic su + per specificare un elemento che non deve essere eseguito il backup. Il disco di backup è incluso in questa lista automaticamente in modo che non lo fa di nuovo in se.

Altri suggerimenti

facilmente - no. selezione di Time Machine utilizza solo l'esclusione quindi bisogna escludere tutto ciò che ma le cartelle che si desidera. Mi piacerebbe raccomando guardando una soluzione diversa, invece (ad es. rsync, Retrospect, o altri software di backup)

selezionare tutti i file e le cartelle nel disco che contiene la cartella che si desidera eseguire il backup.

Goccia tutti sulla finestra Esclusioni

Rimuovere la cartella che si desidera eseguire il backup dalle esclusioni

tmutil enables you to edit the exclusion list from the command line.
Because blacklisting folders one by one can be tedious, I wrote deus_ex_tmachina bash script that basically iterate over the folders at the root of your disk and exclude them ; stopping in the middle of the process so you can edit the list.

I'm not sure if time machine follows symbolic links, but if so, you could have a high level directory full of links to the directories you want backed-up, then exclude all the top level directories except that one....slightly roundabout, but not too work intensive (if time machine backs up the content of symbolic links, which I slightly doubt, but should be checked....)

I checked. It does not work. Other ideas?

In my case I have items on an external drive that I want to have backed-up. What I do is create a partition on that drive and then remove that partition from the exclusion list.

I answered this elsewhere as well, sorry for the redundancy but this question is asked multiples times on this site alone. Time Machine (And excluding files) is not a good solution.

Short answer... "Get Backup 3" from the Mac Apps Store.

I'm looking for the same solution, (Or was). Basically I want to back up just one folder multiple times a day to a flash drive, similar to the way Time Machine does. BETTER YET! (Million $ idea here...) I would like a local cloud, i.e. I make a change, it updates my local backup on my flash drive to be in sync right then and there when I make the change (Like drop box does). The closest thing I have found is "Get Backup 3" on the Mac App store. You can choose an Origin folder and a destination folder and set it to synchronize the two. You can choose the direction as well which is great, : Folder A to Folder B, or Folder B to Folder A, or even Bi-Directional updates. You can also schedule sync times. I set mine up for close to the end of the day. It backs up and I leave my thumb drive at work in case my laptop ever gets stolen at least I have a copy of my files backed up (Network here is very restrictive and painfully slow).

Hope that helps.

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