
I am trying to learn clojure web development with ring and compojure and I am a little unclear about the usage of compojure.route/resources and ring.middleware.resource/wrap-resource.

I have looked over the API docs, as well as the source for both compojure.route and ring.middleware.resource. However, I am still unclear as to whether one needs to use both the compojure.route/resources route and the ring.middleware.resource/wrap-resource middleware, or if compojure.route/resources takes care of everything.

Or is it a matter of optimization? As in, using wrap-resource avoids the compojure routing overhead? Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

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Main difference is compojure.route/resources only serve resources from a specific path:

 (let [root (:root options "public")]
      (resource-response (str root "/" resource-path))

But ring.middleware.resource/wrap-resource provides a fail-back mechanism on a handler if no resource is found:

 (or (response/resource-response path {:root root-path})
     (handler request))

As you see from the resource-response function both alternatives use:

 (defn resource-response
  "Returns a Ring response to serve a packaged resource, or nil if the
   resource does not exist.
    :root - take the resource relative to this root"

It returns nil if the requested resource is not found.

So the wrap-resource alternative is more suitable to be chained if you already have routes in place, as in:

(defroutes routes
  (GET "/" [] "<h1>Hello World</h1>")
  (route/not-found "<h1>Page not found</h1>"))

(def app (-> routes 
             (wrap-resource "public/resources"))

And the compojure.route/resources you can use for route composition, as in:

 (defroutes resources-routes
    (route/resources "/"))

 (defroutes routes
   (GET "/" [] "<h1>Hello World</h1>")
   (route/not-found "<h1>Page not found</h1>"))

 (def app
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