
How can you store a value from one element in an Intern functional test that can be used to find additional elements?

For example, I have the following test snippet:

var mainItem = "Menu 1";
var subItem = "Sub Menu 1";
var mainItemId = "";
                return this.remote
                .elementByXPath("//*[contains(text(),'" + mainItem + "')]/ancestor::*[@dojoattachpoint='focusNode']")
                    .then(function(id){ mainItemId = id; })
                .then(function(){ console.log(mainItemId); })
                .elementByXPath("//*[contains(text(),'" + subItem + "')][ancestor::*[@dijitpopupparent='" + mainItemId + "']]")

Basically, when I run the test, the mainItemId value will log correctly, but the second elementByXPath will not be found. If I initialize mainItemId with the same value, the xpath works. Based on what I'm seeing, its as if mainItemId will store the value only within the .then() context.


È stato utile?


All of the remote methods are non-blocking, and execute immediately when the test function is invoked. mainItemId is not set until after the 4th command is executed. If you need to perform a query that is conditional upon data retrieved from an earlier command, you need to do that within a callback:

var mainItem = "Menu 1";
var subItem = "Sub Menu 1";
var mainItemId = "";
var remote = this.remote;
return remote
    .elementByXPath("//*[contains(text(),'" + mainItem + "')]/ancestor::*[@dojoattachpoint='focusNode']")
        .then(function(id){ mainItemId = id; })
        return remote.elementByXPath("//*[contains(text(),'" + subItem + "')][ancestor::*[@dijitpopupparent='" + mainItemId + "']]")
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