Qual è il modo migliore per pagare per una piattaforma cloud, semplice ma più costoso, o complicato ma più economico per la maggior parte? [chiuso]

softwareengineering.stackexchange https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/10373


Sto lavorando su una piattaforma cloud, ed era curioso quello che la gente preferisce in termini di pagare per i servizi web.

C'è la possibilità di molto semplice dei prezzi (livelli e simili), che è facile da costi del progetto su, facile da confrontare, ma (forse significativamente) più costoso per l'utente medio, perché si sta sempre o sottopagati o overpaying.

L'altra opzione è una struttura dei prezzi complicata da molti fattori diversi, molto più difficile da costi del progetto su, ma si sta letteralmente pagando solo per quello che si utilizza, in modo che esce a un prezzo più basso per l'utente medio.

Quale preferisci?

È stato utile?


Like all good questions, the answer depends. It depends on your application: Is it something you are likely going to be using periodically? A lot on some days of every month and very little the rest of the month? Once a year? Then a pay-as-you-go model would be 'nicer'.

It also depends on the sophistication of your users. Will they bother to do the mental arithmetic if you explain the PAYG model to them? Will they care?

How much will your users be spending? $5? $10? They might simple not care for that amount of money to optimize their experience and would probably rather go for something that is simple or easy.

Could the two models make a differences as large as $1000? Then you might find people are more than willing to have a look at the PAYG terms...

Altri suggerimenti

I like simple and cheap. $20 a month is simple for what you get. Which is a 256MB VPS with a blank install of your choice of Linux. (This is Slicehost).

Simpler in my mind is always better, and I'm willing to pay for the simplicity. That same server from Rackspace costs $0.0015 an hour, 24 x 30 = ~$11 a month. What do I get for the extra $9 from Slicehost? No bandwidth charges. I get simple hosting for what I pay for.

It depends on what is the cost difference and whether it is worth my time to figure out that cost difference. If it is a matter of $10-20/month, then I surely dont think its a big deal for most people and they would prefer simplicity over cost.

On the other hand, if its a matter of a few hundred/thousands dollars per month, I would definitely not mind taking the time out to figure what I exactly need and what I don't.

Currently, everyone is focusing on the enterprise corporate market for the high ticket items. For some reason the pricing always seems to get complicated. Not really sure there is a market for average user at this point. Cable TV and Cell phones still are a billing mess for the average user; I have no idea what company plans are like.

With extended usage, these contracts will continue to get renegotiated. Eventually they'll get easier.

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