
I am looking for an efficient word search algorithm. If you can help me come up with it it would be even better

a h c k 
x r j i
b v t l
c y q s

and I want to find 'arts' . If 'stra' was also a valid word I want that to be found as well. (vertical, horizontal, diagonal and reverse). I came up with a few algorithms but thy don't seem efficient and consume long coding. First one included using find() to get the first letter and look at that column or rows.

È stato utile?


Here's one way:

%// Example word grid
C = [
    'a' 'h' 'c' 'k' 'r'
    'x' 'r' 'j' 'i' 'p'
    'b' 'v' 't' 'l' 'q'
    'a' 'y' 'q' 's' 'o'];

%// Your search term
target = 'arts';

%// Optionally, do some obvious checks here. 
%//  - length of the search string may exceeds the grid's dimensions
%//  - there are no matches for the first letter
%//  - and similar

%// Form single cellstring containing all search directions
allDirections = [
    // horizontal, horizontal-reversed
    cellstr([C ; C(:,end:-1:1)])
    // vertical, vertical-reversed
    cellstr([C'; C(:,end:-1:1)']) 
    // Diagonal, top-left to bottom-right, and reversed
    arrayfun(@(ii){diag(C,ii)'}, -size(C,1)+2:size(C,2)-2)';
    arrayfun(@(ii){diag(C(end:-1:1,end:-1:1),ii)'}, -size(C,1)+2:size(C,2)-2)';
    // Diagonal, top-right to bottom-left, and reversed
    arrayfun(@(ii){diag(C(:,end:-1:1),ii)'}, -size(C,1)+2:size(C,2)-2)';
    arrayfun(@(ii){diag(C(end:-1:1,:),ii)'}, -size(C,1)+2:size(C,2)-2)';

%// And now just find the string
strfind(allDirections , target)

Of course, you could to improve (memory) efficiency by

  • doing the strfind on all the directions separately
  • doing 2 × strfind on the same direction, but with the target inverted
  • etc.

But aside from these relatively minor optimizations, I don't think you can do much better in MATLAB in practice.

A theoretically more efficient recursive, branch-and-bound type search roughly goes like this:

  • find all occurrences of the first letter
  • eliminate all of those occurrences that cannot satisfy the length of the target based on the dimensions of the grid
  • Search the neighborhoods of all hits for occurrences of the second letter
  • Eliminate occurrences based on length, etc.

(Don't forget to filter on direction after the second letter, as the hits for the second letter fixes the search directions)

As far as I can see, this would need a lot less reads and comparisons than my version. However, my guess would be that using canned routines (as I did) is going to be faster and less complicated than using (nested) loops. But I could be wrong.

Try. Profile. Learn. Smile. Correct me :)

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