
I've tried a couple of different options to re-write URLs but I seem to be failing, I'm not sure if it's cause what I'm trying to do is more complex or not...

I have this working currently in my app, calling either of these URLs, I can access my pages:


This could also be (note the m-)


However, I would like to re-write my URLs to look like this:


I have tried using JBoss's:


And now I'm attempting with:


But I can't figure out how my rule in either would need to be written so that I can make this change, any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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Altri suggerimenti

Wow, pretty much took all day, but I finally got it. There might be a way to improve, but this is what I got working and I won't be tweaking it myself till it's committed to git :)





Hope this'll be helpful to others.


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