
On this read statement below couldn't it be made into the form of the following? I think personaly it might be easier to understand and read.

Basically the read statement is simply reading through a file and making decision on which paragraph performs should be executed. It probably is difficult to see exaclty what the program does but what I was really interested to know was if you can change the read to a different format as listed below.

READ DATA-FILE AT END some code NOT AT END code that is below END-READ.


    READ C AT END                                
            GO TO EOJ.                                
    IF C-ID = '  ' AND C-S = 'P'            
       GO TO I-R                                
    IF CID = ' ' AND C-S = 'D'             
       IF F = 'Y'                                   
          MOVE 'N' TO F                             
          MOVE 'your text here' TO RPT-ID 
          MOVE A           TO H6                  
          MOVE B           TO H7                  
          PERFORM PA THRU H-A-X             
          PERFORM WD-CLAIM THRU W-X            
       GO TO I-R                                
          PERFORM N-V THRU N-V-X.             
È stato utile?


At the bottom of a discussion thread, captured in the GNU Cobol FAQ, Roger While mentioned a pretty nice idiom for READ control without paragraphs.

One thing that I saw on earlier posts to the newsgroup cobol was

What is the need/justification for an empty inline perform group.


None of the discussions then realized that there is a - EXIT PERFORM [CYCLE]

Therefore, it is a method to to define an exit condition without having paragraphs.

ie. (very simply)

    READ xxx
      AT END
    MOVE something TO somewhere

.. test xxx status and somewhere

There are, of course, other variations. Basically, it means that you code without using section/paragraphs. (Recommended, if only from performance point of view)

Note that the CYCLE option offers interesting possibilities.


Altri suggerimenti

Have a look here. COBOL read/store in table. for a way of avoiding GO TO, and even the AT END/NOT AT END. No END-READ needed either.

To avoid the AT END/NOT AT END, simply use the File Status, which you should already be using anyway to check that all IO operations were successful. For an input file, READ will give a file status of 10 when end-of-file is detected.

Use an 88 on your file status. So you can say things like END-OF-PAYMENTS-TRANSACTIONS.

Then, to process your file, you use a "priming read". This is a read outside the loop.

priming read
processing-loop until END-OF-PAYMENTS-TRANSACTIONS
   do the processing

EXIT PERFORM (and some other EXIT options) is not available in all COBOLs currently. Be aware that if you are part of a large team and put an EXIT PERFORM in your program you will likely find several EXIT PERFORMs in the same block of code within a couple of years. So they may have well been GO TOs all along. The new EXIT options are just a way of have a GO TO which is spelled differently. OK, a little tongue-in-cheek, but there we go.

Of course, the priming read and read above both PERFORM a single paragraph to do the actual read and check the validity of the io (file status zero or 10 is OK, else a problem).

Be careful about considering avoiding PERFORM paragraph/SECTION for "performance". Write for clarity unless performance is critical. With IBM's Enterprise COBOL, using OPT, PERFORM code can be "inlined" anyway.

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