
I am using objectify 4 to write to the HRD datastore. Everything works fine in unit tests and running the application in devserver or production.

But when I try connect using the REMOTE API to the devserver datastore, an error is thrown when the code starts a XG transaction. While connecting with the Remote API, it seems to think that HRD is not enabled. This is how I connect ...

public static void main(String[] args) {
    RemoteApiOptions options = new RemoteApiOptions().server("localhost", 8888).credentials("foo", "bar");
    //options = options.
    RemoteApiInstaller installer = new RemoteApiInstaller();
    StoredUser storedUser = null;
    try {
        storedUser = new StoredUserDao().loadStoredUser(<KEY>);"found user : " + storedUser.getEmail());

        // !!! ERROR !!!
        new SomeOtherDao().doSomeDataManipulationInTransaction();

    } catch (Throwable e) {
    } finally {

When new SomeOtherDao().doSomeDataManipulationInTransaction() starts a transactions on multiple entity groups I get the error thrown :

transactions on multiple entity groups only allowed in High Replication applications

How can I tell the remote api that this is a HRD environment ?

È stato utile?

Soluzione 2

I had 'unapplied job percentage' set to 0 and transactions using the remote api failed as if the devserver was running with Master/Slave and not HRD. Raising the 'unapplied job percentage' above zero fixed the problem.

enter image description here

Altri suggerimenti

If your application is using the High Replication Datastore, add an explicit s~ prefix (or e~ prefix if your application is located in the European Union) to the app id

For Java version, add this prefix in the application tag in the appengine-web.xml and then deploy the version where you have activated the remote_api servlet






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