
Hello fellow developers,

I've search the web more then sufficient to answer to the problem i'm having, needless to say I haven't found a solution ... yet. ( Also here on StackOverflow, there is no post or 'solution' that fixes my problem )

Simple as it is, i'm trying to get the auto-login to work for the linked-in api. My understanding of o-auth for linkedin tells me that the code beneath should do the trick, but it doesn't :( every refresh after granting acces results in a login-button reappearing.

Any insights ?

<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="description" content="LinkedIn API Tryout">

<script type="text/javascript" src="">
api_key: 7742sti7gm0bsk
authorize: true


<script type="in/Login">
Hello, <?js= firstName ?> <?js= lastName ?>.
È stato utile?


I fixed the issue. It wasn't a matter of code, but rather of keeping your linkedin settings up to date while developing.

Sir Lee Fu, of LinkedIn, answered to the problem I was having:

Could you please try to remove the application from the member's applications and try again? (its under settings)

This did the trick!

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