
In my app, I have implemented creating XMPPRoom and inviting users. Now, I am searching for a way to store these groups (my created or the groups i have been invited to) so that i can easily retrieve it back in my app when I want. I came across bookmark XEP-0048 however, I can't find any example of using this online. Has anyone used this before? Can you please share some examples?


È stato utile?


According to XEP-0048: Bookmarks, to upload bookmarks to server, you have to send a iq request like this:

<iq from='juliet@capulet.lit/balcony' type='set' id='pip1'>
  <pubsub xmlns=''>
    <publish node='storage:bookmarks'>
      <item id='current'>
        <storage xmlns='storage:bookmarks'>
          <conference name='The Play&apos;s the Thing' 
      <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'>
        <field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'>
        <field var='pubsub#persist_items'>
        <field var='pubsub#access_model'>

In Objective-C using NSXMLElement class, above XML can be written as this:

    NSXMLElement *pubsub = [[NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"pubsub" xmlns:@""];
    NSXMLElement *publish = [[NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"publish"];
    [publish addAttributeWithName:@"node" stringValue:@"storage:bookmarks"];
    NSXMLElement *item = [[NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"item"];
    [item addAttributeWithName:@"id" stringValue:@"current"];
    NSXMLElement *storage = [[NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"storage" xmlns:@"storage:bookmarks"];
    NSXMLElement *conference = [[NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"conference"];
    [conference addAttributeWithName:@"name" stringValue:@"The Play&apos;s the Thing"];
    [conference addAttributeWithName:@"autojoin" stringValue:@"true"];
    [conference addAttributeWithName:@"jid" stringValue:@"theplay@conference.shakespeare.lit"];
    NSXMLElement *nick = [[NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"nick" stringValue:@"JC"];
    [conference addChild:nick];
    [storage addChild:conference];
    [item addChild:storage];
    [publish addChild:item];

    NSXMLElement *publish_options = [[NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"publish-options"];
    NSXMLElement *x = [[NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"x" xmlns:@"jabber:x:data"];
    [x addAttributeWithName:@"type" stringValue:@"submit"];
    NSXMLElement *field1 = [[NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"field"];
    [field1 addAttributeWithName:@"var" stringValue:@"FORM_TYPE"];
    [field1 addAttributeWithName:@"type" stringValue:@"hidden"];
    NSXMLElement *value1 = [[NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"value" stringValue:@""];
    [field1 addChild:value1];
    [x addChild:field1];
    NSXMLElement *field2 = [[NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"field"];
    [field2 addAttributeWithName:@"var" stringValue:@"pubsub#persist_items"];
    NSXMLElement *value2 = [[NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"value" stringValue:@"whitelist"];
    [field2 addChild:value2];
    [x addChild:field2];
    [publish_options addChild:x];

    [pubsub addChild:publish];
    [pubsub addChild:publish_options];

    XMPPIQ *iq = [[XMPPIQ alloc] initWithType:@"set" child:pubsub];
    [iq addAttributeWithName:@"from" stringValue:@"juliet@capulet.lit/balcony"];
    [iq addAttributeWithName:@"id" stringValue:@"pip1"];

Of course it could be written with only one NSXMLElement, something like

NSXMLElement *iq = [NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"iq" stringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"all xml code from first paragraph with %@ to add your dynamic data...", data1, data2, ...];
[iq addAttributeWithName:@"from" stringValue:@"juliet@capulet.lit/balcony"];
[iq addAttributeWithName:@"id" stringValue:@"pip1"];

After iq has been created it is time to send it to the server like

[xmppStream sendElement:iq];

and this is the way bookmarks are sent to server. You listen for server response in in XMPPStream delegate - (BOOL)xmppStream:(XMPPStream *)sender didReceiveIQ:(XMPPIQ *)iq and server response should be something like this:

<iq to='juliet@capulet.lit/balcony' type='result' id='pip1'/>

or in objective-c code:

- (BOOL)xmppStream:(XMPPStream *)sender didReceiveIQ:(XMPPIQ *)iq
    if([iq isResultIQ])
        if([[iq attributeStringValueForName:@"id"] isEqualToString:@"pip1"])
            NSLog(@"Bookmarks with id %@ succesfully uploaded", [iq attributeStringValueForName:@"id"]);

Now, based on example from above create objective-c code for xml with which clinet is requesting bookmarks from server (XEP-0048: Bookmarks 3.3 Retrieving Data):

<iq from='juliet@capulet.lit/randomID' type='get' id='retrieve1'>
  <pubsub xmlns=''>
    <items node='storage:bookmarks'/>

objective-c code:

NSXMLElement *pubsub = [[NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"pubsub" xmlns:@""];
NSXMLElement *items = [[NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"items"];
[items addAttributeWithName:@"node" stringValue:@"storage:bookmarks"];
[pubsub addChild:items];

XMPPIQ *iq = [[XMPPIQ alloc] initWithType:@"get" child:pubsub];
[iq addAttributeWithName:@"from" stringValue:@"juliet@capulet.lit/balcony"];
[iq addAttributeWithName:@"id" stringValue:@"retrive1"];

send it to the server like before:

[xmppStream sendElement:iq];

and listen for server response like before:

<iq type='result'
  <pubsub xmlns=''>
    <items node='storage:bookmarks'>
      <item id='current'>
        <storage xmlns='storage:bookmarks'>
          <conference name='The Play&apos;s the Thing' 

or objective-c code:

- (BOOL)xmppStream:(XMPPStream *)sender didReceiveIQ:(XMPPIQ *)iq

    if([iq isResultIQ])
        if([[iq attributeStringValueForName:@"id"] isEqualToString:@"retrive1"])
            NSXMLElement *pubsub = [iq elementForName:@"pubsub"];
            NSArray *items = [pubsub elementsForName:@"items"];

            NSLog(@"Bookmarks for id %@ are: %@", [iq attributeStringValueForName:@"id"], items);

Altri suggerimenti

Whenever you create a group or accepts a chatroom invitation, store the group to local database with the necessary information. Delete it from db while exiting the group.

Get User groups from jabber server.

  XMPPIQ *iq = [[XMPPIQ alloc]init];
    [iq addAttributeWithName:@"type" stringValue:@"get"];
    NSString *from = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/ResouseName",[[AppDelegate instance] xmppStream].myJID.bare];
    [iq addAttributeWithName:@"from" stringValue:from];
    NSXMLElement *query =[NSXMLElement elementWithName:@"query" xmlns:@"jabber:iq:private"];
    NSXMLElement *storage =   [NSXMLElement elementWithName:@"storage" xmlns:@"storage:bookmarks"];
    [query addChild:storage];
    [iq addChild:query];
    [xmppStream sendElement:iq];

You very easy to doing this way. Please try this. you can add to bookmark in server using this method.

-(void)bookMark :(NSString *)roomName{ 

  XMPPIQ *iq = [[XMPPIQ alloc]init];
 [iq addAttributeWithName:@"type" stringValue:@"set"];
NSString *from = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/ResouseName",[[AppDelegate instance] xmppStream].myJID.bare];
[iq addAttributeWithName:@"from" stringValue: from];    
 NSXMLElement *query =[NSXMLElement elementWithName:@"query" xmlns:@"jabber:iq:private"];
 NSXMLElement *storage =   [NSXMLElement elementWithName:@"storage" xmlns:@"storage:bookmarks"];
NSXMLElement *conference_s = [NSXMLElement elementWithName:@"conference"];
[conference_s addAttributeWithName:@"autojoin" stringValue:@"true"];
[conference_s addAttributeWithName:@"jid" stringValue:roomName];    
[storage addChild:conference_s];
[query addChild:storage];
[iq addChild:query];    
NSLog(@"print eml log %@:",iq);
[xmppStream sendElement:iq];

Finally you can get your group list.

- (BOOL)xmppStream:(XMPPStream *)sender didReceiveIQ:(XMPPIQ *)iq {

NSXMLElement *pubsub = [iq elementForName:@"query"];

NSXMLElement *storage = [pubsub elementForName:@"storage"];

 NSArray *conferenceName = [storage elementsForName:@"conference"];
for (NSXMLElement *conference in conferenceName) {
    NSString *jid = [[conference attributeForName:@"jid"]stringValue];
     NSLog(@"print conference jid=====%@",jid);

 NSLog(@"Bookmarks for id are: %@", conferenceName);
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