
Is there a way to play video without it launching fullscreen? Trigger.IO API does not have an option to set it up apparently, and adding 'webkit-playsinline' inside HTML5 video tag is not enough on iPhone as well, as it needs property 'allowsInlineMediaPlayback' of 'UIWebView' to be set as 'YES'.

I would expect Trigger.IO to have some kind of option to trigger this property on or off...

P.S. It looks like Phone Gap supports it already...

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You could easily write your own native module to change WebView properties in a app. The function would probably look a lot like this:

+ (void)enableInlineMediaPlayback:(ForgeTask*)task {
    if (NSClassFromString(@"WKWebView") && [[ForgeApp sharedApp] useWKWebView]) {
        // Handle new WebView 
        WKWebView *webView = (WKWebView*)[[ForgeApp sharedApp] webView];
        WKWebViewConfiguration *configuration = [[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init];
        configuration.allowsInlineMediaPlayback = YES;
        webView.configuration = configuration;
    } else {
        // Handle old WebView
        UIWebView *webView = (UIWebView*)[[ForgeApp sharedApp] webView];
        webView.allowsInlineMediaPlayback = YES;
    [task success:nil];

Additionally, you need to add the webkit-playsinline attribute to the video HTML tag.

EDIT: I've adjusted the code to include relevant code for iOS8 and WKWebView.

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