
I have 2 gradle tasks that i want to run after assembleRelease task.

task copyRequiredFilesToVersionControl(type:Copy) {

task ('versionControl') << {

If I configure order for these tasks as below tasks get never called...


If i change order like;


Tasks are run at the beginning of document. So there is no file to copy and add to version control.

What is the best approach?

È stato utile?


I have found method that called doLast. So i fixed my problem with it.

assembleRelease {
    doLast {

Altri suggerimenti

The best approach that I've found to date, has been to use the Ordering Tasks feature in Gradle : see for more documentation, currently section 15.5.

Basically, you have two rules available : MUST run after and SHOULD run after. I like the rule quite a bit, I use this to create zip archives of projects automatically. NOTE : you must still make use of the "dependsOn" to get proper execution if tasks that you need to have run in a particular order.

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