
I'm trying to query a table with possible NULL values. According to this question, using object.Equals is the way to do it:

DateTime? myDate = null;
var q =
    from row in db.Activities
    where object.Equals(row.FirstActivityTime, myDate)
    select row;

This works, but when I assign a non null value to myDate,

DateTime? myDate = DateTime.Now;

it all falls apart and throws the exception "Unable to cast the type 'System.Nullable`1' to type 'System.Object'. LINQ to Entities only supports casting EDM primitive or enumeration types".

I could rewrite the where clause into

where row.FirstActivityTime == myDate || (row.FirstActivityTime == null && myDate == null)

but is there any way to make this work with object.Equals?

È stato utile?


Since you're using LINQ to Entities rather than LINQ to SQL, the question you're referencing doesn't apply. You can just use row.FirstActivityTime == myDate in your filter and EF will generate the correct SQL query, incorporating an is null check along with the equality check.


It turns out this behavior has been changed a bit, and you need to set a flag on the context to get the old behavior back. (source:

var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)dbContext).ObjectContext;
objectContext.ContextOptions.UseCSharpNullComparisonBehavior = true;

After doing that, the is null checks will be included in the generated SQL.

Altri suggerimenti

You should write this:

var q = from row in db.Activities 
        where (mydate.HasValue && 
            DateTime.Equals(row.FirstActivityTime, myDate.Value))
        select row;
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