Qual è la collezione di Java più veloce per singolo thread Contiene (Point (x, y)) funzionalità?

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2991593

  •  24-10-2019
  •  | 


Nella domanda devo controllare una raccolta di 2D coordinate (x, y) per vedere se un dato coordinate è nella collezione, deve essere il più veloce possibile e sarà accessibile solo da un thread. (E 'per il controllo di collisione)

Qualcuno può darmi una spinta nella direzione giusta?

È stato utile?


The absolute fastest I can think of would be to maintain a 2D matrix of those points:

//just once
int[][] occurrences = new int[X_MAX][Y_MAX];
for (Point p : points ) {

//sometime later
if ( occurrences[x][y] != 0 ) {
    //contains Point(x, y)

If you don't care how many there are, just a boolean matrix would work. Clearly this would only be fast if the matrix was created just once, and maybe updated as Points are added to the collection.

In short, the basic Collections aren't perfect for this (though a HashSet would come close).


This could be easily adapted to be a Set<Point> if you don't find a library that does this for you already. Something like this:

public class PointSet implements Set<Point> {
    private final boolean[][] data; 
    public PointSet(int xSize, int ySize) {
        data = new boolean[xSize][ySize];

    public boolean add(Point e) {
         boolean hadIt = data[e.x][e.y];
         data[e.x][e.y] = true;
         return hadIt;

    public boolean contains(Object o) {
        Point p = (Point) o;
        return data[p.x][p.y];

    //...other methods of Set<Point>...

Altri suggerimenti

I would go using some Trove collections data structures.

If your points are stored as a couple of int or a couple of float you can pack them in a long: 32 bits for x-coord and 32 bits for y-coord. Then you can use a TLongHashSet that is an HashSet optimized for working with primitive data (it will be faster and consume less memory compared to normal java collections).

If you have int coordinates it would be something like

static private long computeKey(int h1, int h2)
    return ((long)h1) << 32 | h2;

to compute the key and then use it

TLongHashSet set = new TLongHashSet()
set.add(long v);
set.addAll(long[] v);

if you have float values you can do the same thing, but you have to pack float bits inside the long.

HashSet. Its O(1) average. If you want true O(1) you can make a wrapper for your object which has a reference to a collection. That way you cant just compare it with the collection you have.

How often do you have to update the collection in comparison to searching it? You should chose an appropriate data structure based on that.

Point2D implements comparable, right? Then your best bet is probably a TreeSet, they are incredibly fast and I believe they rely on B+ trees, which you may know are used in actual databases and filesystems.

If you think you're going to be doing a fair amount of updates to the structure, take a look at the SkipList. It guarentees O(log(operations)) **NOTE this is for ALL operations you do, there is no guarentee about the runtime of a single opperation)

You can try some sort of sorted set, like treeset, since you can do binary searches on it.

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