
I'm trying to get a non-blocking I/O on a Windows terminal application (windows only, sorry!).

What if I want to have a short input time in wich the user can press a button, but if he doesn't the input stops and the program continues?

For example:

A timer that counts from 1 to whatever that stops when the user presses a certain key: I should have a while loop, but if I do a getch or a getchar function it will stop the program, right?

I know I could use kbhit(); , but for the "program" I'm trying to make I need to know the input, not just IF THERE IS input! Are there any simple functions that would allow me to read like the last key in the keyboard buffer?

È stato utile?


From the documentation for _kbhit():

The _kbhit function checks the console for a recent keystroke. If the function returns a nonzero value, a keystroke is waiting in the buffer. The program can then call _getch or _getche to get the keystroke.

So, in your loop:

while (true) {
    // ...
    if (_kbhit()) {
        char c = _getch();
        // act on character c in whatever way you want

So, you can still use _getch(), but limit its use to only after _kbhit() says there is something waiting. That way it won't block.

Altri suggerimenti

Here is how to make a non blocking call to stdin in windows by using the right API :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>

void ErrorExit(LPSTR);
void KeyEventProc(KEY_EVENT_RECORD ker);

// Global variables are here for example, avoid that.
DWORD fdwSaveOldMode;
HANDLE hStdin;

void printToCoordinates(int x, int y, char* text)
    printf("\033[%d;%dH%s", y, x, text);

int main()
    int i = 0;
    char* s = "*";

    DWORD fdwMode, cNumRead;
    INPUT_RECORD irInBuf[128];
    DWORD bufferSize = 0;

    hStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);

    // Just a check to ensure everything is fine at this state
    if (hStdin==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){
        printf("Invalid handle value.\n");

    // Just a check to ensure everything is fine at this state
    if (! GetConsoleMode(hStdin, &fdwSaveOldMode) )

    // Those constants are documented on Microsoft doc
    // ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT allows you to use CTRL+C
    // (so it's not catched by ReadConsoleInput here)
    if (! SetConsoleMode(hStdin, fdwMode) )

    while (i < 60) {
        // The goal of this program is to print a line of stars
        printToCoordinates(i, 5, s);

        GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(hStdin, &bufferSize);

        // ReadConsoleInput block if the buffer is empty
        if (bufferSize > 0) {
            if (! ReadConsoleInput(
                    hStdin,      // input buffer handle
                    irInBuf,     // buffer to read into
                    128,         // size of read buffer
                    &cNumRead) ) // number of records read

            // This code is not rock solid, you should iterate over
            // irInBuf to get what you want, the last event may not contain what you expect
            // Once again you'll find an event constant list on Microsoft documentation
            if (irInBuf[cNumRead-1].EventType == KEY_EVENT) {

    // Setting the console back to normal
    SetConsoleMode(hStdin, fdwSaveOldMode);


    return 0;

void ErrorExit (LPSTR lpszMessage)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", lpszMessage);

    // Restore input mode on exit.

    SetConsoleMode(hStdin, fdwSaveOldMode);


void KeyEventProc(KEY_EVENT_RECORD ker)
    printf("Key event: \"%c\" ", ker.uChar.AsciiChar);

        printf("key pressed\n");
    else printf("key released\n");

Please notice this work in brand new Terminal application but not in CMD (due to termcaps used in the code) but it will compile and you can run it anyway.

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