
i need to implement two different views, one for a map and the other for a list. And that i want is to switch the view to the other when we click on a button. I know how we can do with two different views that we hide, but i want that like with the viewflipper for android the views switched like one view which is split into two like this :


ps: sorry for my english, i'm not very fluent in english.

È stato utile?


You could use a CATransition to achieve this sort of effect quite easily. For example:

CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation];
animation.delegate = self;
animation.duration = 0.3f;
animation.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionLinear];
animation.type = kCATransitionPush;
animation.subtype = kCATransitionFromRight;
[self.view.layer addAnimation:animation forKey:@"transition"];

// swap out your views here - either add / remove subviews or show / hide subviews
[self.view addSubview:otherView];

When animating the other way, change the subtype to kCATransitionFromLeft.

You'll also need to link to the QuartzCore framework, and import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>

Altri suggerimenti

Just use a UIPageViewController, a working example you can download here: How to Use UIPageViewController to Build Tutorial Screens

It looks what you are looking for.

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