
This is my constructor of class RSBaseFilterEngine, and my program will create many instance of this class in different activity.

public RSBaseFilterEngine(Context context) {
    rs = RenderScript.create(context);
    this.context = context;
    script = new ScriptC_BaseFilter(rs);

The problem is, if I get the instrance of this class more than 1 times, program will crash. The crash will occur when program is processing

script = new ScriptC_BaseFilter(rs);

And, the error log is

Caused by: Loading of ScriptC script failed.
at com.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.algorithms.filter.ScriptC_BaseFilter.<init>(
at com.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.algorithms.filter.ScriptC_BaseFilter.<init>(
at com.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.algorithms.RSBaseFilterEngine.<init>(

Why ScriptC_BaseFilter can't be created twice? Then, I changed code like this

public RSBaseFilterEngine(Context context) {
    rs = RenderScript.create(context);
    this.context = context;
    script = new ScriptC_BaseFilter(rs);
    script = new ScriptC_BaseFilter(rs);

As I expected, it crashed when program invoked this constructor in the first time.

So, can anyone tell me why this hanppened? Whether there is some details I do not notice?Thanks.

Ok, I will post entire logcat

01-28 10:50:58.637: E/RenderScript(26067): Could not create symlink /data/data/com.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.algorithms.demo/cache/ -> /data/data/com.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.algorithms.demo//lib/
01-28 10:50:58.637: E/RenderScript(26067): Unable to open shared library (/data/data/com.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.algorithms.demo//lib/ Symbol not found: load_library[1096]: Library '/system/lib/egl/' not found
01-28 10:50:58.657: E/RenderScript(26067): Unable to open system shared library (/system/lib/ (null)
01-28 10:50:58.657: D/AndroidRuntime(26067): Shutting down VM
01-28 10:50:58.657: W/dalvikvm(26067): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40ad5228)
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.algorithms.demo/com.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.algorithms.demo.EffectActivity}: Loading of ScriptC script failed.
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at$600(
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at$H.handleMessage(
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at android.os.Looper.loop(
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at$
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067): Caused by: Loading of ScriptC script failed.
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at<init>(
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at com.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.algorithms.filter.ScriptC_BaseFilter.<init>(
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at com.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.algorithms.filter.ScriptC_BaseFilter.<init>(
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at com.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.algorithms.RSBaseFilterEngine.<init>(
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at com.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.algorithms.RSBaseFilterEngine.getInstance(
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at com.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.algorithms.demo.EffectActivity.onCreate(
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    at
01-28 10:50:58.727: E/AndroidRuntime(26067):    ... 11 more

I will post some test I made recently.

The following segments of code will make the program crash, the common point is they try to create the same script twice:

rs = RenderScript.create(context);
script = new ScriptC_BaseFilter(rs);
rs.destroy(); // same problem occurred after changed this line to rs.finish() 
rs = RenderScript.create(context);
script = new ScriptC_BaseFilter(rs);

// create same script using different renderscript context will not help
// do rs and rs_base use the same context?
rs = RenderScript.create(context);
rs_base = RenderScript.create(context);
script = new ScriptC_BaseFilter(rs);
script_base = new ScriptC_BaseFilter(rs_base);
È stato utile?

Soluzione 2

My colleague find a solution to solve this problem.

First, you should make sure that these code must be added in the file ""

#------ RenderScript Configuration -------


#------ RenderScript Configuration -------

Then, replace the file "libbcc.dll" in your sdk/build-tools/18.1.0 with a bigger one (the size of the original file is less than 1M, the correct one is 5.1M).

You can download in this website

Altri suggerimenti

Can you check with the following? rs.finish flushes all outstanding commands in renderscript

rs = RenderScript.create(context);
this.context = context;
script = new ScriptC_BaseFilter(rs);
rs.finish(); //ADD THIS LINE IN YOUR CODE 
script = new ScriptC_BaseFilter(rs);

Is com.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.algorithms.demo the actual name of the project that you put in your .rs file pragmas? This must match exactly, or you won't be able to load the .bc/.so files.

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