
I am fetching live value i.e. ftse from yahoo finance, using ajax and php. I want to store all value in an array format and want to compare last 2 recently updated values.

following is my javascript:

function loadXMLDoc()
    var xmlhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
  xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
{// code for IE6, IE5
  xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)

following is my php code.

<div id="myDiv">

// Setup Variables
$stockList = "^ftse";
$f = "l1";
$host = "";
$requestUrl = $host."?s=".$stockList."&f=".$f."&e=.csv";

// Pull data (download CSV as file)
$handle = fopen($requestUrl, "r");
$raw = fread($handle, $filesize);

// Split results, trim way the extra line break at the end
$quotes = explode("\n\n",trim($raw));

foreach($quotes as $quoteraw) {
$quoteraw = str_replace(", I", " I", $quoteraw);
$quote = explode(",", $quoteraw);

// output the first element of the array, the Company Name

echo "<br><center><font size='30' color='green'>".$raw."<br>";



following is my ftse.php code.

// Setup Variables
$stockList = "^ftse";
$f = "l1";
$host = "";
$requestUrl = $host."?s=".$stockList."&f=".$f."&e=.csv";

// Pull data (download CSV as file)
$handle = fopen($requestUrl, "r");
$raw = fread($handle, $filesize);

// Split results, trim way the extra line break at the end
$quotes = explode("\n\n",trim($raw));

foreach($quotes as $quoteraw) {
$quoteraw = str_replace(", I", " I", $quoteraw);
$quote = explode(",", $quoteraw);

// output the first element of the array, the Company Name

echo "<br><center><font size='30' color='green'>".$raw."<br>";


Problem is if the value is smaller then should be printed in red and if greater then in green color.

È stato utile?


There's no property color on the element. You want to set a style to set the color to green, so you would write:

echo "<br><center><font size='30' style='color=green'>".$raw."<br>";

Ideally you wouldn't do this because it just pollutes the DOM. Annotate with a class:

echo "<br><center><font size='30' class='up'>".$raw."<br>";
echo "<br><center><font size='30' class='down'>".$raw."<br>";

Then in your CSS file you just have:

.up {
  color: green

.down {
  color: red

While you are at it, also move the font size and other style decorations to the CSS.

I hope this helps.

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