
I'm using the 1:50m Cultural Vectors shape file from

I use ogr2ogr to create a geoJson file with the following command:

ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON geo_world_50m.json ne_50m_admin_0_countries.shp

I then create a topoJson file with this command:

topojson --id-property iso_n3 -p name=admin -p name -p iso_a3=iso_a3 -p iso_a3 -o topo_world_50m.json geo_world_50m.json

Once I have my topoJson file, I load it in to Leaflet:

$.getJSON('topo_world_50m.json', function (data) {
    var country_geojson = topojson.feature(data, data.objects.geo_world_50m);

I've tried the 1:50m file as well as the 1:10m file from Natural Earth. Both give me this section of Russia that is reversed at the Finland border.

section of Russia that is reversed at the Finland border

Any ideas how to address this? Thanks

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Soluzione 2

What happens if you use the geoJson? For admin 0 level geographies like this (country level) a geoJson might suffice in terms of detail. It sounds like something is being lost when you go from geo -> topo?

Altri suggerimenti

So... this is a known issue on leaflet, I solved this way:

    function onEachShapeFeature(feature, layer){
        var bounds = layer.getBounds && layer.getBounds();
        // The precision might need to be adjusted depending on your data
        if (bounds && (Math.abs(bounds.getEast() + bounds.getWest())) < 0.1) {
            var latlongs = layer.getLatLngs();
            latlongs.forEach(function (shape) {
                shape.forEach(function (cord) {
                    if (cord.lng < 0) {
                        cord.lng += 360;
    var countries = L.geoJson(data, {
            onEachFeature: onEachShapeFeature,

I know that is hacky... but was the best way I found.

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