
I'm studing XSLT and XML for an exam. I've this XML document:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>    <!-- Prologo XML -->
   type="text/xsl" href="listacd_es1.xslt"?>    <!-- Istruzione che indica il documento XSLT da associare -->

<listacd>    <!-- Nodo Principale o Elemento Radice -->
        <nome>Stanley Jordan</nome> 
                <titolo>Magic Touch</titolo>
                <etichetta>Blue Note</etichetta>
                <titolo>Stolen Moments</titolo>
                <etichetta>Blue Note</etichetta>
        <nome>Nick Drake</nome>
                <titolo>Pink Moon</titolo>
                <titolo>Bryter Layter</titolo>
                <titolo>Five leaves left</titolo>
        <nome>Jeff Buckley</nome>
                <titolo>Mistery white boy</titolo>
        <nome>Joe Satriani</nome>
                <titolo>Surfing with the alien</titolo>
                <titolo>Not of this earth</titolo>

and I'm using this XSLT. What I want in output is the value of the tag "titolo".

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  <!-- Prologo XML -->
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">

        <!-- Applica questo template al nodo radice 
             indicato dal carattere / -->
        <xsl:template match="/">   
                    <!-- Richiama e applica gli altri template -->

        <!-- Quando tro

va un nodo artista 
         applica questa regola -->
    <xsl:template match="artista/albums/album">    
        <xsl:value-of select="titolo"></xsl:value-of>
        <br />


Can you explain me why in outupt I've also the value of the tag "nome"? There's no match rules in my template, but this is the output that I receive:


              Stanley Jordan 

                  Magic Touch<br>
                  Stolen Moments<br>

              Nick Drake

                  Pink Moon<br>
                  Bryter Layter<br>
                  Five leaves left<br>

              Jeff Buckley

                  Mistery white boy<br>

              Joe Satriani

                  Surfing with the alien<br>
                  Not of this earth<br>

È stato utile?


This is because XSLT has built-in template rules. These are templates that used by XSLT if it can't find a matching template for a node in your XSLT. For elements (and the document node) the built-in template will not output it, but look for templates that match its children. For a text node, it will output the text.

In your XSLT, you start off by doing this

<xsl:apply-templates />

This will cause XSLT to look for templates that match the children of the document node, which is this case is listacd. As you don't have a template matching this, the built-in templates are used. They will continue to be used to match artista and then nome where the text is then output.

One solution, is to replace the <xsl:apply-templates /> with this, to explicitly tell XSLT what elements to look for.

<xsl:apply-templates select=".//album"/>

Alternatively, keep <xsl:apply-templates /> and add a template that matches text() nodes, and ignores then, rather than letting the built-in template process them.

<xsl:template match="text()" />

For example, try this XSLT

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
    <xsl:template match="/">

    <xsl:template match="artista/albums/album">
        <xsl:value-of select="titolo"/>

    <xsl:template match="text()"/>

Bonus points for the choice of music in your XML, by the way!

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