
I have a data table from which i am filtering data based on condition,but how to display specific columns only from the data table?

Dim Dt As New DataTable
                Dim SQlDa As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(SqlCmd)
                Dim Rows() As DataRow = Dt.Select("State = " + "'" + State + "'")
                Dim TempDt As New DataTable
                If Rows.Length > -1 Then
                    TempDt = Rows.CopyToDataTable()
                End If

                Return TempDt 
È stato utile?


Dim view As New DataView(MyDataTable)
Dim distinctValues As DataTable = view.ToTable(True, "ColumnA")

Altri suggerimenti

Try like This

TempDt =New DataView(Rows.CopyToDataTable()).ToTable(False, 
"columnname1", "name2","...","..")
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