
I have installed Django file browser and added grappelli and filebrowser to my installed apps. And did every thing said in documention but when I browse I got 404 page not found error. What's the problem? I configured my media settings like this:

# Media files
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media')
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/media/admin/'
È stato utile?


The problem is your FILEBROWSER_DIRECTORY setting. It should have absolute path.

Unfortunately, the error is hidden by the nasty 400 Bad Request, as explained in this ticket.

Altri suggerimenti

Just solved the exact same problem, and it's the oldest one in the book: permissions

  • make sure your media dir is chmod-ed to 755
  • create media/uploads dir and also chmod it to 755

In, I don't use the FILEBROWSER_DIRECTORY (I guess that uploads is the default)

I really think that throwing 400 Bad Request is utterly useless and anoying, but oh well...

Just a related note: I don't think there is anything at /admin/filebrowser/, it just gives me a 404. Please correct me it I'm missing something here :)

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