
I have a simple Controller to which I've added some codahale metrics. All I need is to use a Meter to show the requests per second. I currently have this, which works:

private static final MetricRegistry REGISTRY = new MetricRegistry();
private static final Meter METER = REGISTRY.meter(, "get-requests"));
private static final JmxReporter REPORTER = JmxReporter.forRegistry(REGISTRY).build();

I then use METER.mark() inside the method that serves the GET requests.

I now need to use Spring injection instead of static fields. I've checked but was not able to get it to work.

Would anyone be able to help on how to use annotations to achieve the same functionality?

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Soluzione 2

Extend MetricsConfigurerAdapter in a class annotated with @EnableMetrics and override configureReporters:

public void configureReporters(MetricRegistry metricRegistry) {

Then annotate the metered method with @Metered.

Altri suggerimenti

If you want check sample project which report all metrics data in console.

Configuration using annotation (also XML file available you want to use XML Configuration remove comment)

//Metrics Data retrieve using following annotations

This is Maven Project. You can Test it After Just Import it. not any other configuration required.

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