
My issue is with MCsolutionupdated() function in that I am unable to run it for 20,000+ iterations as I obtain the error "Edge vector must be monotonically non-decreasing.". Sometimes, I even obtain Inf elements (when I do not get this error) for final_matrix which does not make sense either. When I run Nielsennewupdated(casechoice, no_iterations) I am able to run it for as many simulations and I do not ever obtain Inf elements. So, I think there must be a problem with MCsolutionupdated().

function [final_matrix, thresh_strain] = MCsolutionupdated()

no_iterations = input('No. of iterations?:');

thresh_strain = zeros(1,no_iterations*16);

casechoice =input('Enter 1 for 1st Layup and 2 for 2nd layup:');

 J = Nielsennewupdated(casechoice, no_iterations);
 thresh_strain = J;

roundedValues = round(thresh_strain/.0001)*0.0001;
myUniqueValues = unique(roundedValues);
i = numel(myUniqueValues);
nelements  = hist(thresh_strain(:),myUniqueValues); 

for i=1:i
    percent(i)  = (nelements(1,i)/numel(thresh_strain))*100;

final_matrix = [myUniqueValues' percent'];

% uniqueValues,~,uniqueIndex] = unique(ans);
% frequency = accumarray(uniqueIndex(:),1)./numel(ans);

header = {'Threshold Strain' 'Probability of occurrence'};
xlswrite('results.xlsx', header) 
xlswrite('results.xlsx', final_matrix,'A2')


È stato utile?


Your error is on this line (the error message probably even says as much):

nelements  = hist(thresh_strain(:),myUniqueValues);

The problem is that myUniqueValues is not "monotonically non-decreasing." This example produces the same error:

n  = hist(randi(3,[1 10]),[3 2 1]);

which results in

Error using histc
Edge vector must be monotonically non-decreasing.

Error in hist (line 92)
    nn = histc(y,edges,1);

I'm not sure what this is happening as unique is supposed to sort it's output. So I can't replicate your error exactly in R2013b. Perhaps you're running an older version of Matlab. I'd look at what the value of myUniqueValues is.

Altri suggerimenti

This type of errors is mainly due to the second argument of hist function not being monotonically non-decreasing

Change your unique line to:

myUniqueValues = unique(roundedValues,'sorted');

You probably have an old version that does not sort by default, but rather uses "stable" ordering.

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