
I am attempting to instruct RavenDB to sort a specific index by a number field, the class looks like this;

class Level {
  public int Number {

  public string Id {

  // other properties not listed

So I created 15,000 documents with a simple loop, with the number field set incrementally from 1 to 15000. This works fine so far.

Now when I query it, I want it to by - default, sort these in order of the number. So my first attempt is to just use the standard OrderBy.

var query = RavenSession
   .Customize(c => c.WaitForNonStaleResults())
   .OrderBy(r => r.Number)

This certainly did not work. I ended up with a list that resembles..


This does not even make sense to me. So I tried specifying an index.

public class Level__ByNumber : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Models.Level> {

    public Level__ByNumber() {
        Map = results => from result in results
                       select new {
                           Id = result.Id,
                           Number = result.Number

        Sort(n => n.Number, SortOptions.Int);

Which is then called exactly as I assume an index is called...

  RavenQueryStatistics statistics;

    var query = RavenSession
       .Query<Level, Level_ByNumber>()
       .Customize(c => c.WaitForNonStaleResults())
       .Statistics(out statistics);

   if(searchable != null) {
       query = query.Search(n => n.Number, searchable);

   var results = query.ToList();

And still no luck; The list is scrambled, in strange sequence. I have also tried SortOptions.Short and SortOptions.String with no avail. What am I doing wrong? How do I get this index to just return the objects in the expected order?

I have thoroughly read the documentation on this, and other stack overflow questions such as This and the suggested information does not work.

È stato utile?


Your code works for me as you've written it (you have one extra underscore in the index name but I dont think that will affect anything) Please compare how this unit test is different to what you're doing as it passes for me:

public void TestMethod()
    using (var session = _store.OpenSession())
        session.Store(new Level{ Number = 2828});
        session.Store(new Level { Number = 8583 });
        session.Store(new Level { Number = 3751 });
        session.Store(new Level{ Number = 1});
        RavenQueryStatistics statistics;
        var query = session.Query<Level, Level_ByNumber>().Customize(c => c.WaitForNonStaleResults()).Statistics(out statistics).OrderBy(x => x.Number);

        var results = query.ToList();

        Assert.AreEqual(1, results[0].Number);
        Assert.AreEqual(2828, results[1].Number);
        Assert.AreEqual(3751, results[2].Number);
        Assert.AreEqual(8583, results[3].Number);//all pass

Altri suggerimenti

I believe your problem is that you are analyzing the Number field. Don't do that.

Index(n => n.Number, FieldIndexing.Analyzed);

Remove that and you should be ok.

If that doesn't work, try storing your fielding using Store, but I don't think you need that.

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