
What is the best (or recommended) approach to do defensive programming in perl? For example if I have a sub which must be called with a (defined) SCALAR, an ARRAYREF and an optional HASHREF.

Three of the approaches I have seen:

sub test1 {
    die if !(@_ == 2 || @_ == 3);
    my ($scalar, $arrayref, $hashref) = @_;
    die if !defined($scalar) || ref($scalar);
    die if ref($arrayref) ne 'ARRAY';
    die if defined($hashref) && ref($hashref) ne 'HASH';
    #do with scalar, arrayref and hashref

sub test2 {
    Carp::assert(@_ == 2 || @_ == 3) if DEBUG;
    my ($scalar, $arrayref, $hashref) = @_;
    if(DEBUG) {
        Carp::assert defined($scalar) && !ref($scalar);
        Carp::assert ref($arrayref) eq 'ARRAY';
        Carp::assert !defined($hashref) || ref($hashref) eq 'HASH';
    #do with scalar, arrayref and hashref

sub test3 {
    my ($scalar, $arrayref, $hashref) = @_;
    (@_ == 2 || @_ == 3 && defined($scalar) && !ref($scalar) && ref($arrayref) eq 'ARRAY' && (!defined($hashref) || ref($hashref) eq 'HASH'))
        or Carp::croak 'usage: test3(SCALAR, ARRAYREF, [HASHREF])';
    #do with scalar, arrayref and hashref
È stato utile?


use Params::Validate qw(:all);

sub Yada {
   my (...)=validate_pos(@_,{ type=>SCALAR },{ type=>ARRAYREF },{ type=>HASHREF,optional=>1 });

Altri suggerimenti

I wouldn't use any of them. Aside from not not accepting many array and hash references, the checks you used are almost always redundant.

>perl -we"use strict; sub { my ($x) = @_; my $y = $x->[0] }->( 'abc' )"
Can't use string ("abc") as an ARRAY ref nda"strict refs" in use at -e line 1.

>perl -we"use strict; sub { my ($x) = @_; my $y = $x->[0] }->( {} )"
Not an ARRAY reference at -e line 1.

The only advantage to checking is that you can use croak to show the caller in the error message.

Proper way to check if you have an reference to an array:

defined($x) && eval { @$x; 1 }

Proper way to check if you have an reference to a hash:

defined($x) && eval { %$x; 1 }

None of the options you show display any message to give a reason for the failure, which I think is paramount.

It is also preferable to use croak instead of die from within library subroutines, so that the error is reported from the point of view of the caller.

I would replace all occurrences of if ! with unless. The former is a C programmer's habit.

I suggest something like this

sub test1 {
    croak "Incorrect number of parameters" unless @_ == 2 or @_ == 3;
    my ($scalar, $arrayref, $hashref) = @_;
    croak "Invalid first parameter" unless $scalar and not ref $scalar;
    croak "Invalid second parameter" unless $arrayref eq 'ARRAY';
    croak "Invalid third parameter" if defined $hashref and ref $hashref ne 'HASH';

    # do with scalar, arrayref and hashref
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