Can isAlive() be False immediately after calling start() because the thread hasn't yet started?



In the python documentation at it says that

[isAlive()] returns True just before the run() method starts until just after the run() method terminates

But then the start() method says that:

[start()] arranges for the object’s run() method to be invoked in a separate thread of control.

Does this mean if I call t.start() and then immediately check t.isAlive() it's possible I could get False because the thread hasn't started yet?

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It can't happen, at least not in CPython's implementation. That comes from staring at the code for Thread.start (here from the Python 3 source, but it doesn't matter):

def start(self):
        _start_new_thread(self._bootstrap, ())
    except Exception:
        with _active_limbo_lock:
            del _limbo[self]

_start_new_thread() is implemented in C, starting a new thread and running self._bootstrap() inside that new thread. self._bootstrap() in turn invokes If that's all there were to it, then the invoking thread could indeed return an arbitrary amount of time before run() started to execute. But the:


at the end blocks on an internal Event. The bootstrap code sets the _started Event shortly before invoking run(), and the state of that same event is the primary thing isAlive() looks at.

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