
What is the difference between the clean and the n-tier architectures?

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Both architecture styles apply layers to separate concerns, however they do that in a different way.

  • The n-tier architecture is about communicating with the database through layers of business logic and representation. It is tightly coupled to the externals (3rd party frameworks/drivers) you want to use, for example to an HTTP Server, an ORM or an SQL driver...

  • The clean architecture is about implementing use cases and build layers of adapters and externals (3rd party frameworks/drivers) around them. It is loosely coupled to the externals you want to use because of the layer of the adapters. Be aware that by the clean architecture the representation and the database layers would be both included by the externals. So the clean architecture is more about creating an application and separate it from the externals it uses to communicate with its environment. In this scenario it is much easier to test, develop and maintain the code of the application. You don't have to write integration tests or mock out the ORM to test the business logic. You don't have to concern about the externals by implementing the business logic, you can focus on the application itself. You don't have to modify the business logic to replace any external framework/driver, it's enough to write a new adapter to accomplish that.

So I think the clean architecture is a better choice.

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