
I am writing some code to loop through each data point in a chart and change the color (fill/border) of the point marker if it is the wrong color. I don't want it to change if it is a compliant color (using a select case).

Problem: Checking markerbackgroundcolor and markerforegroundcolor returns "-1" no matter what the color is until i manually change the color (right click marker and change fill from automatic to solid).Something to do with Automatic colors.

Basic example in immediate window (after inserted scatter chart without changing formatting):


Then without doing anything else:


Is there another property of the marker I can test instead? Or another approach entirely? The checking of the color itself is critical to other parts of the code so all the work arounds I've tried so far are not cutting it : (

PS new user, apologies if haven't formulated question too well.

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I don't think that you can change individual data points (or, at least I don't know how). I think that the problem lies in checking for "compliant colors." This type of color property seems to require a Long value which corresponds to a color.

This code worked for me (Excel 2007) on a line-chart in chart I created for a project (I added the Debug.Print lines to show the numbers returned for Series in my chart)...

Sub formatTable()

    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim co As ChartObject
    Dim c As Integer

    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    Set ws = wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
    Set co = ws.ChartObjects("Chart1")

    With co.Chart
        Debug.Print .Name
        For c = 1 To .SeriesCollection.Count
            Debug.Print .SeriesCollection(c).Name
            Debug.Print "Foreground Color: " & .SeriesCollection(c).MarkerForegroundColorIndex    'Get Forground Color
            Debug.Print "Background Color: " & .SeriesCollection(c).MarkerBackgroundColorIndex    ' Get Background color
            .SeriesCollection(c).MarkerForegroundColorIndex = 5 'Set foreground to Blue
            .SeriesCollection(c).MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = 42    ' Set background to Lt Blue
        Next c
    End With
End Sub

After re-reading your question, I dug a little deeper to see how to check or set the color for a Point. All you should need to do is embed another FOR loop inside of the above code. The important thing in this line is to use: .SeriesCollection(c).Points.Item(i).Marker... = Value

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