
I'm trying to modify chromium on android for research purposes.

Chromium comes with a class. This class calls a native function:

nativeEvaluateJavaScript(mNativeContentViewCore, script, null, true);

This method is defined in the same class as follows:

private native void nativeEvaluateJavaScript(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl,
        String script, JavaScriptCallback callback, boolean startRenderer);

The class has the following annotation:


As I understand it, the JNI Generator links these methods to the correct native (c++) methods of the correct class.

My question: To which class is linked? Where can I find the implementation of nativeEvaluateJavaScript? Where is it defined that a specific java class is linked to a specific c++ class?

The only thing I can find is content_view_core.h (src/content/public/browser/android), but that file doesn't get me any further. Googeling for 'nativeEvaluateJavaScript' revealed nothing. I've been searching for about 10 hours now and I'm not getting any closer.

È stato utile?


The JNI generator will generate JNI binding file under "(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/<(jni_gen_package)/jni/" during the build time.

For example, the corresponding JNI binding file for is "out/Debug/gen/content/jni/ContentViewCore_jni.h". And you can see the native method of 'nativeEvaluateJavaScript':

static void EvaluateJavaScript(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,...
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