
I'm using Telerik Mvc RadGrid and I want to get row values from the grid

This is my grid

@( Html.Telerik().Grid<Orpac.Models.Pm_Web_VehGet_Result>()
                     .Name("grdTransactions").NoRecordsTemplate("No record to display")
                     .DataBinding(d => d.Ajax().Select("GridTransactionBinding", "Transaction"))
                     .HtmlAttributes("width: 100%;cellpadding:0;")
                     .Columns(columns =>
                         columns.Bound(e => e.VdvId).Width(90).Title((string)ViewData["CardNo"]);
                         columns.Bound(e => e.FdpDepNam).Width(60).Title((string)ViewData["Department"]);
                         columns.Bound(e => e.VehPlate).Width(70).Title((string)ViewData["Plate"]);
                         columns.Bound(e => e.VehName).Width(60).Title((string)ViewData["Name"]);
                         columns.Bound(e => e.VehSurname).Width(60).Title((string)ViewData["Surname"]);
                         columns.Bound(e => e.VehAmtLim).Width(70).Title((string)ViewData["CurrentAmount"]);
                         columns.Bound(null).Width(110).ClientTemplate("<input type='text' id='current' onchange='changesum()' class='txtLA' onkeypress='return isNumber(event)'/>").Title((string)ViewData["LoadAmount1"]);
                         columns.Bound(null).Width(60).ClientTemplate("<span id='total' class='txtTA'/>").Title((string)ViewData["TotalAmount"]);
                     .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowDataBound("onRowDataBoundTrans"))
                     .Filterable(filtering => filtering.Enabled((bool)ViewData["filtering"]))
                     .Scrollable(scrolling => scrolling.Height(300))
                     .Resizable(config =>
                     .Reorderable(config =>


In this grid I just want to get "CurrentAmount" value from row and "LoadAmount" value from textbox which is inside the row and sum of two value write the total value in "TotalAmount"

Also i can sum two values ("CurrentAmount" and "LoadAmount") on onrowdatabound function

But i want to sum this two value on Textbox textchanged which textbox in "LoadAmount" row

how can i get values of that textbox row ?

Do you have any expriences about this topic



È stato utile?


I ate my two days on this staff but also i solve this problem.

The Telerik MVC Grid has some ClientEvents . The OnSave is the answer of my question.

Because when you use OnSave you can reach that rows all data with this event. Here is the


And this is my example

function onsave(e) {
var values = e.values;
var dataItem = e.dataItem;
var cur = parseInt(values.LoadAmount);

var total = cur + dataItem.TotalAmount;
e.cell.nextSibling.innerText = total;

Take Care

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