
Our infrastructure group has asked us to "add MultiSubnetFailover=True to all application connection strings" so that we can take advantage of a new SQL Server HA setup involving Availability Groups.

I am stuck though since we have some python programs that connect (read+write) to the database via SQL Alchemy. I have been searching and I don't see anything about this MultiSubnetFailover feature being available as an option in SQL Alchemy or any other Python driver. Is it possible to connect to an HA setup utilizing the SQL Alchemy driver, or even Python, and if so how?

FYI - The link that my infrastructure guy pointed me to is here (, and as you can see it is specifically about how .NET applications can utilize the "MultiSubnetFailover=True" setting in the connection string among other things.

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You could use the example towards the end of the documentation's section like this:

import urllib
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
connection_string = ';Database=MyDatabase;MultiSubnetFailover=True'
engine_string = 'mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect={}'.format(urllib.quote_plus(connection_string))
engine = create_engine(engine_string)

Update from comments

For newer versions of Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server, you may need to use MultiSubnetFailover=Yes instead of True

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