
I am migrating tomcat 6.0.35 to 7.0.52 and noticed following warning message in catalina.out.

2014-03-03 17:35:05,655  WARN DefaultAsyncSupportResolver - Found multiple containers, please specify which one to use: org.atmosphere.container.Tomcat7CometSupport, org.atmosphere.container.TomcatCometSupport,  until you do, Atmosphere will use:class org.atmosphere.container.Tomcat7CometSupport 

It appears that atmosphere-runtime-2.0.0.RC2.jar file contains TomcatCometSupport and Tomcat7CometSupport. Currently, Tomcat7.0.52 display a warning message and using Tomcat7CometSupport. Is it ok to ignore the warning message? How can I configure tomcat container class? Which one is recommended to use?



I am using gwt-atmosphere in my web application.

Look like cometsupport can be configured with o.a.cpr.asyncSupport init params ,

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