
Is there any differences between those two class declarations


class MyClass <T extends Number & Comparable>


class MyClass <T extends Number & Comparable<T>>

I think that there are differences. But I cannot find an example which would show differences because I don't understand it exact.

Can you show me this example?

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There is a difference. The first one is using raw types, and thus, is less type-safe. For example:

This works, but should not work

class MyClass<T extends Number & Comparable>
    void use(T t)
        String s = null;
        t.compareTo(s); // Works, but will cause a runtime error

Whereas this does not work (because it should not work)

class MyClass<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
    void use(T t)
        String s = null;
        t.compareTo(s); // Compile-time error

EDIT: Full code, as requested:

class MyClass<T extends Number & Comparable>
    void use(T t)
        String s = "Laziness";
        t.compareTo(s); // Works, but will cause a runtime error

public class MyClassTest
    public static void main(String[] args)
        MyClass<Integer> m = new MyClass<Integer>();
        Integer integer = new Integer(42);
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