
I don't know if I am being daft but I can't find a way of finding all usages of a View (cshtml file) with VS and Resharper. The view could be full or partial. If someone could help me out this would be useful for a new project I am working on!

È stato utile?


If you have ReSharper installed:

  1. Select the View file from Solution Explorer
  2. With you keyboard, Ctrl + Shift + Alt + F12. OR, Right click on the View and select Find Usages Advanced...
    • Find Usages Advanced...
  3. This brings you a window. Select all the checkboxes from Find column, and select solution from Scope column, click Find
    • Search Properties
  4. This will bring you a list of usages, in Find result window.
    • Find Results

Altri suggerimenti

Right-click on the view (or partial) and select "Find Usages"

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