
I have this linq to sql query i want to convert to linq to entities

Dim db As New DataClasses1DataContext()
Dim bedspace = (From bed In db.Beds Where SqlMethods.Like(bed.BedName,"ward%")
                Select Convert.ToInt32(bed.BedName.Substring(4))).ToList()

If bedspace.Count <> 0 Then
    txtProvisonalDiagnosis.Text = bedspace.Max
    txtProvisonalDiagnosis.Text = "try again"
End If

The query works but when trying to implement the same thing with entities like this

Dim bedspace = From bed In HMS.Beds Where bed.BedName.Contains("ward")
                    Select Convert.ToInt32(bed.BedName.Substring(4).ToString)

If bedspace.Count <> 0 Then
    txtProvisonalDiagnosis.Text = bedspace.Max
    txtProvisonalDiagnosis.Text = "am still a sucker"
End If

The compiler complains that LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int32. ToInt32(System.String)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression. Please help me out.

È stato utile?

Soluzione 2

Try something like this, i dont have a compiler nearby but this cant be far off

Dim bedspace as generic.list(of integer) = (From bed In HMS.Beds Where bed.BedName.Contains("ward")
                Select bed.BedName.Substring(4).ToString).tolist

If bedspace.Count <> 0 Then
    txtProvisonalDiagnosis.Text = bedspace.Max
    txtProvisonalDiagnosis.Text = "am still a sucker"
End If

Altri suggerimenti

The database does not know of the function Convert.ToInt32, but you can use AsEnumerable() to move the data into memory and do the conversion there instead. If I remember my VB correctly (which I quite possibly don't), this should do it;

Dim bedspace = 
  (From bed In HMS.Beds Where bed.BedName.Contains("ward") Select bed.Bedname)
   .Select(Function(bedname) Convert.ToInt32(bedname.Substring(4).ToString))

I simply did this and the compiler did not complain again.

  Dim bedspace = From bed In HMS.Beds Where bed.BedName.Contains("ward")
                    Select CType(bed.BedName.Substring(4), Integer)

    If bedspace.Count <> 0 Then
        txtProvisonalDiagnosis.Text = bedspace.Max
        txtProvisonalDiagnosis.Text = "am still a sucker"
    End If
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