
I am new to SharePoint development.

I am trying automate the task of:

  • Uploading documents from a network share to a SharePoint document library.
  • The related metadata for each of the files also need to be brought into the SharePoint columns. (will taken from a single CSV file in the same location with filenames mapped in it)
  • This process needs to automatically run on a predefined schedule (eg: daily/once an hour etc)

I want to know:

  • What is the best way to achieve this? (PowerShell script running on Windows task scheduler, creating a service etc.)
  • Starting point for coding or any code already available since it looks like this might be a very common requirement.
È stato utile?


Typically StackOverflow is the wrong place to ask this kind of question. But, since I just finished creating a script for uploading files to SharePoint from a CSV, I thought I can share it.

Disclaimer: I offer no guarantees that this will work with your environment, or that it will not mess things up. Review. Understand it. Use at own risk.

The script can be easily changed to add/change columns, (under the #Add Column Information section)

CSV File format:


Where SubFolder can be blank if your source file is on the root of the Source Folder. Name is the file name, and Column1 and Column2 are SharePoint columns.

Save the below code to the two PowerShell files. ImportSPfromCSV.ps1 contains the logic, Run_ImportSPfromCSV.ps1 contains the code to run it.

To run, set up a scheduled task on a SharePoint server (or server that has the SharePoint PowerShell module on it) and run with the command:

powershell.exe -file "C:\scripts\Run_ImportSPfromCSV.ps1"


    # Load  Script
    . .\ImportSPfromCSV.ps1 

    # Run Function
    Import-SPData -CSVFilePath "CSVFile.csv" -SourceFolder "C:\temp" -SiteURL "http://SharePointWebApp/sites/SiteCollection" -Library "Shared Documents" -Approve $true -CheckIn $true -Overwrite $false -OverwriteFields $true


    Imports items into SharePoint library from a CSV File
    Imports items that are saved to disk into SharePoint library 
    using and tagging the information from a CSV File
    NAME:           ImportSPfromCSV.ps1
    AUTHOR:         Kristoph Minchau
    CREATED:        May 2, 2013
    LASTEDIT:   2014-03-06
    VERSION:        1.10
    KEYWORDS:       SharePoint

    [2013/05/01] - km - v1.00 ** Created **
    [2014-03-06] - km - v1.10 * Minor edits

    # Load  Script
    . .\ImportSPfromCSV.ps1 

    # Run Function
    Import-SPData -CSVFilePath "CSVFile.csv" -SourceFolder "C:\temp" -SiteURL "http://SharePointWebApp/sites/SiteCollection" -Library "Shared Documents" -Approve $true -CheckIn $true -Overwrite $false -OverwriteFields $true

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Get SharePoint file
    Gets a SharePoint File
    The file name to Upload to the SharePoint library if different than original File name
    ex. "NewName.docx"
    The SharePoint web site
    The Destination Library on SharePoint
    Default value = "Retail Banking"
    System.String SPFileName
    System.String Return SPFile
    $Web = Get-SPWeb "http://SharePointWebApp/sites/SiteCollection"
    Get-SPFile -Web $Web -Library "Shared Documents" -SPFileName "File1.doc"
Function Get-SPFile {
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)]
            [string]$Library = "Shared Documents"
    ) #end param
            # Get Library
            $docLibrary = $web.Lists[$Library]
            $folder = $docLibrary.RootFolder

            # Assign the new document name, and build the destination SharePoint path
            $SPFilePath = ($folder.URL + "/" + $SPFileName)

            #Check if the file exists and the overwrite option is selected before adding the file
            $spFile = $web.GetFile($SPFilePath)

            #Return SP File
            Write-Output $spFile

        } #end Try
            Write-Error $Error[0]
    } #end Process
} #end Get-SPFile

    Adds a file to SharePoint Document Library.
    Adds a file to SharePoint Document Library, optionally checks it in, approve it, or overwrite it.
    The file to Upload
    ex. "c:\Test.docx"
    The file name to Upload to the SharePoint library. 
    Rename the File to something that is SharePoint/URL friendly (e.g. remove special characters "/?=<>" etc.)
    ex. "NewName.docx"
    The SharePoint web site
    The Destination Library on SharePoint
    If approval workflow is enabled, when uploading the document, approve the uploaded document
    [bool] Default value = $true
    If workflow is enabled, when uploading the document, CheckIn the uploaded document
    [bool] Default value = $true
.PARAMETER Overwrite
    When uploading the document, if a document with the same name is encountered, overwrite the document?
    [bool] Default value = $false
    N/A - Pipeline Inputs
    SP File
    $Web = Get-SPWeb "http://SharePointWebApp/sites/SiteCollection"
    Add-SPFileToLibrary -File "Test.docx" -SPFileName "NewName.docx" -Web $Web -Library "Shared Documents" -Approve $true -CheckIn $true -Overwrite $false
Function Add-SPFileToLibrary {
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$true)]
            [bool]$Approve = $true,
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$true)]
            [bool]$CheckIn = $true,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$true)]
            [bool]$Overwrite = $false
    ) #end param
            # Get Library
            $docLibrary = $web.Lists[$Library]
            $folder = $docLibrary.RootFolder

            # Assign the new document name, and build the destination SharePoint path
            $SPFilePath = ($folder.URL + "/" + $SPFileName)

            #Check if the file exists and the overwrite option is selected before adding the file
            if ((!$web.GetFile($SPFilePath).Exists) -or ($Overwrite))
                $Message = "Uploading...   $FilePath   ...To...   $SPFilePath"
                Write-Debug $Message
                Write-Verbose $Message

                #Support for -WhatIf parameter
                    Write-Host $Message

                    #Upload file
                    $File = Get-ChildItem $FilePath
                    $spFile = $folder.Files.Add($SPFilePath, $File.OpenRead(), $true)  #Upload with overwrite = $true (SP file path, File stream, Overwrite?)

                    $spItem = $spFile.Item

                    #Check in file to document library (if required)
                    #MinorCheckIn=0, MajorCheckIn=1, OverwriteCheckIn=2
                    If ($CheckIn) {
                        If ($spFile.CheckOutStatus -ne "None") {
                            If ($Overwrite){
                                #$spFile.CheckIn("File copied from " + $filePath, 2)
                                $spFile.CheckIn("Version 1.0", 2)
                                #$spFile.CheckIn("File copied from " + $filePath, 1)
                                $spFile.CheckIn("Version 1.0", 1)
                            Write-Host "$spfile.Name Checked In"
                    } #end CheckIn

                    #Approve file (if required)
                    If ($Approve)
                        If ($spItem.ListItems.List.EnableModeration -eq $true)
                            #$spFile.Approve("File automatically approved after copying from " + $filePath)
                            If ($spFile.Item["Approval Status"] -eq 0)
                                Write-Host "$spfile.Name Approved"
                                Write-Host -Background Yellow -Foreground Black "Warning: $spfile.Name Not Approved"
                    } #end Approve

                    #Return SP File
                    Write-Output $spFile

                }# end upload file
                    Write-Verbose "File Exists and Overwrite = $false returning file"
                    # File Exists and Overwrite = $false, Try finding and returning the file
                    $spFile = Get-SPFile -Web $web -Library $Library -SPFileName $SPFileName

                    #Return SP File
                    Write-Output $spFile
                    # File does not exist, and Overwrite = $false, we can't return anything, Throw Warning
                    Write-Host -Background Yellow -Foreground Black "Warning: $SPFilePath does not Exist and Overwrite is set to False. No SP File handle returned"
                    Write-Output $null
            }# end File Exists and Overwrite Check

        } #end Try
            Write-Error $Error[0]
    } #end Process
} #end Add-SPFileToLibrary

    Imports files into SharePoint library from a CSV File
    Imports files that are saved to disk into SharePoint library 
    using and tagging the information from a CSV File
    The CSV import file to use to import the data from
    Default value = "CSVFile.csv"
.PARAMETER SourceFolder
    The Source Folder for locating the Public Folder files
    Default value = "."
    The Site URL on SharePoint
    Default value = "http://SharePointWebApp/sites/SiteCollection"
    The Destination Library on SharePoint
    Default value = "Shared Documents"
    If approval workflow is enabled, when uploading the document, approve the uploaded document
    [bool] Default value = $true
    If workflow is enabled, when uploading the document, CheckIn the uploaded document
    [bool] Default value = $true
.PARAMETER Overwrite
    When uploading the document, if a document with the same name is encountered, overwrite the document?
    [bool] Default value = $false
.PARAMETER OverwriteFields
    If the document is already uploaded, overwrite the fields with the fields from the CSV file
    [bool] Default value = $true
    N/A - Pipeline Inputs
    System.String Returns
    #Default Initial Import of all data
    Import-SPData -CSVFilePath "CSVFile.csv" -SourceFolder "C:\temp" -SiteURL "http://SharePointWebApp/sites/SiteCollection" -Library "Shared Documents" -Approve $true -CheckIn $true -Overwrite $false -OverwriteFields $true
Function Import-SPData {
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
            [string]$CSVFilePath = "CSVFile.csv",
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]
            [string]$SourceFolder = ".",
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)]
            [string]$SiteURL = "http://SharePointWebApp/sites/SiteCollection",
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true)]
            [string]$Library = "Shared Documents",
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$true)]
            [bool]$Approve = $true,
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$true)]
            [bool]$CheckIn = $true,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$true)]
            [bool]$Overwrite = $false,
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$true)]
            [bool]$OverwriteFields = $true
    ) #end param
            #Get Web
            $web = Get-SPWeb $SiteUrl

            Write-Host -Background Black -Foreground Green "Uploading Documents..."

            # Loop through the CSV file entries
            Import-Csv $CSVFilePath | ForEach-Object{

                # File Path
                    #Subfolder exists
                    $FilePath = ($SourceFolder + "\" + $_.Subfolder + "\" + $_.Name)
                    #Subfolder does not exist
                    $FilePath = ($SourceFolder + "\" + $_.Name)

                # Assign the new document name, and build the destination SharePoint path
                $SPFileName = $_.Name

                # Add the file to the SP Library. Don't approve or check in yet because we have to change the column values.
                $spFile = Add-SPFileToLibrary -FilePath $FilePath -SPFileName $SPFileName -Web $web -Library $Library -Approve $Approve -CheckIn $CheckIn -Overwrite $Overwrite

                if($spFile -And $OverwriteFields)
                    $spItem = $spFile.Item

                    $Message = "Changing column values for $($_.Name) ..."
                    Write-Debug $Message
                    Write-Verbose $Message

                    #Support for -WhatIf parameter
                        Write-Host $Message

                        #Add Column Information
                            # Column1
                            Write-Verbose "Setting Column1 to $($_.Column1)"
                            $spItem["Column1"] = $($_.Column1)

                            # Column2
                            Write-Verbose "Setting Column1 to $($_.Column2)"
                            $spItem["Column2"] = $($_.Column2)

                            #Update document with new column values

                            Write-Host "...Complete"
                            Write-Error "Error Changing Column information"
                            Write-Error $Error[0]
                    }#end Change Column values
                        # No file handle returned
                        Write-Host -Background DarkRed -ForeGround Yellow "Error: File not uploaded or no File handle returned: $_.Name"
                        # File handle returned, but OverwriteFields = $false
                        Write-Verbose "Not modifying any columns for $_.Name"
                }#end if $spFile is set to something and OverwriteFields = $true
            } #end CSV loop
        } #end Try
            Write-Error $Error[0]
    } #end Process
} #end function Import-SPData
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