
i'm using a simple code to select all text inside textarea but i want the button to copy the text into the clipboard instead of using right click or Ctrl+c. here's the select code:

<textarea name='text_area' rows=1 cols=20 >large/<?php echo $row['Img_Name']; ?> 
<input type='button' value='select path' onClick='javascript:this.form.text_area.focus();;'>

many websites add buttons to copy code or text just open this page and click share on the video and choose embed you'll get a copy button without the need to select the text or add the website to the white list

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mozilla, like most other browsers doesn't let js manipulate the clipboard, unless the user set your website on a whitelist.

in response to your edited question: the video uses flash to copy to clipboard. There are several librarys that do so using hidden Flash content, for example ZeroClipboard

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