
With help of another question and the relevant QUnit documentation I can create unit tests that deal with the async nature of throttled KnockoutJS observables.

However, I haven't yet found an elegant way to have both Red and Green tests behave nicely in both test runners I use:

  • the QUnit browser based test runner
  • the Visual Studio test runner (combined with Chutzpah to run JavaScript tests)

Suppose the following View Model:

var Person = function(firstName, surname) {
    var self = this;

    self.firstName = ko.observable(firstName);
    self.surname = ko.observable(surname);

    self.fullName = ko.computed({
        write: function(val) {
            var parts = val.split(" ");
        read: function() { return self.firstName() + " " + self.surname(); }
    }).extend({throttle: 20});

And suppose these two basic tests:

test("Can read full name", function(){
    var john = new Person("John", "Doe");
    strictEqual(john.fullName(), "John Doe");

test("Can write full name", function(){
    var person = new Person();
    person.fullName("John Doe");
    strictEqual(person.firstName(), "John");
    strictEqual(person.surname(), "Doe");

The latter will fail. This makes sense, because the asserts run instantly, whereas the actual update for the fullName call runs later: it is delayed by 20 ms by the throttle. Without throttle things succeed.

No problem, from linked question I learned that I can use an async test and use a manual subscription to make things green again:

asyncTest("Can write full name", function(){
    var person = new Person();


    person.surname.subscribe(function(val) {
        strictEqual(person.firstName(), "John");
        strictEqual(person.surname(), "Doe");

    person.fullName("John Doe");

Now, suppose I break my View Model like this:

// self.surname(parts[1]); // "bug" introduced to demonstrate the problem

Then the test runner will hang. I can "fix" this issue by resuming my test after -say- 2 seconds no matter what by ending my test with this:

// After 2 secs we assume the test failed
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);

This works in the browser based test runner for the bugged code, but has an error on the correct code, from the console:

pushFailure() assertion outside test context, was ... at QUnit.start

Makes sense, because now start() is called twice. My first intuition was to do a check in the setTimeout callback to see the "trancount" (i.e. ask QUnit if I need to start or not), but QUnit has no support for this (probably for a reason :D).

Anyways, to sum up all possible situations:

  • Green because everything is okay.
  • Red because the subscription never fired.
  • Red because the assertion failed.

How to structure the test so that all situations are accounted for and both test runners will react nicely?

È stato utile?


Found at least one solution to this problem while writing the question. Posting the question along with my answer (a) just in case it may help others and/or (b) other folks may have better solutions for this.

Bottom line is to clear the setTimeout return value as soon as the subscription fires:

asyncTest("Can write full name", function(){
    var person = new Person();

    // After 2 secs we assume the test failed
    var timeout = setTimeout(function() {
    }, 2000);


    person.surname.subscribe(function(val) {
        strictEqual(person.firstName(), "John");
        strictEqual(person.surname(), "Doe");

    person.fullName("John Doe");

This works for all scenarios:

Both red cases have a nice assertion failure.

Only downside to this solution is that it's a bit verbose, you need 4 extra lines of testing-plumbing. (Perhaps someone else has an answer utilizing a feature of QUnit for this purpose?)

Also, one other downside: if you increase the throttle so it is above the timeout the test first goes red but QUnit will crash a bit later too because start() is called once more.

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