
A Hello ,,, I'm using robotium framework for testing android apps and I used Robotium-actionbarsherlock extension to perform clicks on contextual actionbar menu item ...

Here's the function I'm using ,,,

public void clickOnActionModeOverflowMenuItem(String text) {
    Activity activity = solo.getCurrentActivity();
    Log.d("aaaa", activity.toString());
    if (!(activity instanceof SherlockFragmentActivity)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("This method should be called only in SherlockFragmentActivity.");

    ActionBarContextView actionBarContextView = null;

    try {
            ActionBarSherlock actionBarSherlock = (ActionBarSherlock) invokePrivateMethodWithoutParameters(
                SherlockFragmentActivity.class, "getSherlock", activity);
            Log.d("eeee", actionBarSherlock.toString());
            actionBarContextView = (ActionBarContextView) getPrivateField("mActionModeView", actionBarSherlock);
            Log.d("dddd", actionBarContextView.toString());

    } catch (Exception ex) {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Can not find methods to invoke action mode overflow button.");

    if (actionBarContextView == null) {
  "Contextual actionbar is not shown.");

    clicker.clickOnText(text, false, 1, true, 0);

So, I'm asking about this line ..

actionBarContextView = (ActionBarContextView) getPrivateField("mActionModeView", actionBarSherlock);

How can I know the private field name ? As the function fails and throws the assertion fail of null actionBarContextView ...

È stato utile?


You can download the source code for ActionBarSherlock, which should show you what you are looking for.

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