
i have download objectlistview from this site

i am working with treelistview control from objectlistview project. i am working with treelistview DoubleClick event and from there i am trying to capture selected item text and as well selected item immediate parent item text

i could successfully capture selected item text like this way from double click event

private void tvView_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ListView lv = (ListView)sender;

now help me to capture the selected item immediate parent item text. here is the pic which help other to understand what i am trying to capture. enter image description here

just see the image that i click on item or row whose immediate parent data 2 which i want to capture immediately. please guide me if any body worked with treelistview control. thanks

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Using ObjectListView/TreeListView you should never use the underlying ListView itself or the ListViewItem objects. Read this

Using the TreeListView in comparison to the ObjectListView is a bit cumbersome.

Example (ignoring the double-click requirement):

private void tvView_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    // cast your TreeView to ObjectListView to access the selected Object
    ObjectListView olv = sender as ObjectListView;

    // get the selected child (you may want to check the type and if it really was a child that was selected here)
    MyChildModelObject child = olv.SelectedObject as MyChildModelObject;
    MyParentModelObject parent = _tvView.GetParent(child);

    // ...

Since you did not mention the models, I assumed that you have two different model objects in your tree hierarchy (MyChildModelObject and MyParentModelObject).

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