
Recently, I have been studying a number of matrix libraries used for WebGL to better understand the math that goes into the various transforms performed on matrices. Currently, I am trying to better understand the math used for rotational transforms.

Specifically, I already understand the transforms used for rotating around the three axes as well as how to generate these matrices (shown below).

enter image description here

However, I don't get the equations used to rotate around an arbitrary axis that isn't the x-, y- or z-axis.

I'm currently reading through WebGL Programming Guide, and in the provided library, they use the following JS to rotate around an arbitrary axis (where e is the array that contains the 4x4 matrix):

len = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
if (len !== 1) {
  rlen = 1 / len;
  x *= rlen;
  y *= rlen;
  z *= rlen;
nc = 1 - c;
xy = x * y;
yz = y * z;
zx = z * x;
xs = x * s;
ys = y * s;
zs = z * s;

e[ 0] = x*x*nc +  c;
e[ 1] = xy *nc + zs;
e[ 2] = zx *nc - ys;
e[ 3] = 0;

e[ 4] = xy *nc - zs;
e[ 5] = y*y*nc +  c;
e[ 6] = yz *nc + xs;
e[ 7] = 0;

e[ 8] = zx *nc + ys;
e[ 9] = yz *nc - xs;
e[10] = z*z*nc +  c;
e[11] = 0;

e[12] = 0;
e[13] = 0;
e[14] = 0;
e[15] = 1;

From what I can tell, the first part of the code is used to normalize the 3D vector, but other than that, I honestly cannot make any sense of it.
For example, what do nc, xy, yz, zx, xs, ys and zs mean? Also, as an example, how did they come up with the formula x*x*nc + c to calculate e[0]?

As per a related SO post, I did find a reference to the following matrix for rotating about an arbitrary axis:

enter image description here

This seems to be related to (if not the same as) what the JS code above is doing.

How is this matrix generated? I've thought a lot about how to rotate around an arbitrary axis, but the only thing I could come up with was to break the 3D vector extending from the origin into its x, y and z components, and then perform three different rotations, which seems pretty inefficient.

Having one matrix to do all of that for you seems best, but I really want to understand that matrix and how it's generated.

Lastly, while I'm not sure, it seems like the matrix above does not account for a translation of the axis away from the origin. Could that be easily handled by simply using a 4x4 matrix instead with Tx, Ty and Tz values in the appropriate locations?

Thank you.

È stato utile?


Please find the math overview here:

There is a detailed explanation here:

You are correct about that rotation matrix not accounting for translation.

Yes, you can create a rotate-then-translate matrix by multiplying translation x rotation:

    1 0 0 t1      r11 r12 r13 0
T = 0 1 0 t2  R = r21 r22 r23 0
    0 0 1 t3      r31 r32 r33 0
    0 0 0 1       0   0   0   1

        1 0 0 t1   r11 r12 r13 0   r11 r12 r13 t1
T x R = 0 1 0 t2 x r21 r22 r23 0 = r21 r22 r23 t2
        0 0 1 t3   r31 r32 r33 0   r31 r32 r33 t3
        0 0 0 1    0   0   0   1   0   0   0   1

If you only want to rotate around an arbitrary axis away from origin (that is, around a line), look for the item "6.2 The normalized matrix for rotation about an arbitrary line" in the 2nd URL (

Altri suggerimenti

If you're rotating around angle theta, then in the code:

c = cos(theta);
nc = 1-cos(theta); // (or 1-c)
s = sin(theta);

So in the code,

x is just ux

xy is just uxuy

xs is just uxsinθ

and so on. So, in the formula, the third expression in the first row, which is uxuz(1-cosθ) + uysinθ becomes zx * nc - ys

With that in mind, you can see that the code is just an expression of the formula for R, except the code expresses it as a 4x4 matrix instead of 3x3. The 4th dimension is for translation, but the expression specifies a translation of zero in all three directions.

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